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Valerie's eyes shoot open in a panic. Where am I? is the first thought that crosses her mind. She takes in her surroundings, including the 6 concerned faces crowding around her. She tries to move her legs forward, still unsure if she's going to attack or remain calm, but as soon as she shifts her weight, her legs feel like jello.

She stumbles forward, tripping over her own feet, but the people crowding around her seem to be expecting this, and all reach out to catch her.

"Who the hell are you? Where am I?" she growls.

"Valerie?" the new voice strikes something in her chest. She matches the voice to the face of a broad-shouldered, muscular man with an undercut in his dark hair, highlighted with a white tip on the front.

Something grows in the pit of her stomach that she can't quite place. An odd, unfamiliar feeling that should've made her even more uneasy, but, for some unknown reason, didn't.

"H-how do you know who I am? What's going on?" Valerie demands.

Shiro pauses, not taking his eyes off Valerie, "You told us your name before you went unconscious. Don't worry, you're safe here. What do you remember?"

It suddenly dawns on her. She can't seem to recall a thing prior to waking up.

"You should rest, Valerie," the beautiful girl with the white hair suggests, softly. "Maybe you'll remember when you wake up."

Valerie allows the girl to lead her to a room, but has no intention to let herself fall asleep on the ship or something of complete strangers. Especially since they seem a bit too welcoming.

However, as soon as she lies down, her fatigue betrays her, and her eyelids pull themselves closed, begging for just a moment of rest. Just... a moment, she allows. But the next thing she knows she's consumed by sleep.

Hi! Welcome to my new story! Thanks for giving it a chance! This was the prologue (as the title says), so I wrote it in 3rd person, but the rest of this story will be written in 1st person from Valerie's prospective. That might change for short sections of the story if I need to use a different perspective. Chapters will be longer than this. I usually try to write a minimum of 1,000 words per chapter, but sometimes the story just flows better if a chapter ends at a certain point that may be less than 1,000, in which case I will try my best to get the next chapter out sooner.

Jesus, that was longer than I expected. Thanks for reading!

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