Chapter 14

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Oh wow... it's been awhile... I really do want to finish this book (not in a way like 'ugh i just wanna get this done with' but like 'i have a plan and i really wanna write the whole thing')

This chapter and the next chapter I wrote a while ago and just never got around to posting (haha... oops) Anyway, ENJOY!

 Everyone seems to suddenly be very interested in my powers, obviously wanting me to demonstrate, but being afraid to ask directly. I'm glad they don't.

This time the discussion of my powers was relevant to something. Pidge and Coran had attached my wrists to the castle's computers with wires and electrodes like I was going through electrotherapy. Despite the long time I spent sitting their through their research, they couldn't even develop a potential lead to answer any of their questions.

"Great, I'm an uncontrollable power plant and we don't even know why," I mutter, sarcastically.

"Valerie, we may not understand you powers quite yet, but they could prove to be a powerful resource to have in combat... once you can control them, of course," Allura attempts to be optimistic. "You just need some training... some specific training..." she starts to seem increasingly more to be thinking out loud, looking at me contemplatively.

With Pidge's cue, I start removing electrodes from my wrist and placing them on the table next to me.

Shiro speaks up, "You guys know the universe better than the rest of us... where would be a good place for Valerie's training?"

Allura seems too deep in thought to have even heard Shiro's question. "I think I might know just the place."

* * *

We stopped at a very small, very sandy planet, like the one I was stranded on, but with small forests and rivers and bigger villages here and there, and one giant city.

We landed in the center on the city in front of a single story building with a relatively low ceiling. Allura whispered something to the guards, who stepped aside and let us in with urgency.

We walk through brightly lit halls, almost single file until we get to a door with an unusual holy glow to it. Allura reached up as if ready to knock, but then held her palm over the door. After a moment, it trembled and opened.

Inside was a grand study. The low ceilings seemed to have stretched up a few stories high. Walls were lined with millions of old, worn books. In the center of the room was a mahogany desk that contrasted oldly with the glowing blue floors.

And old man sits in a chair, preoccupied with whatever he's working on. He only looks up once the doors close behind us. His blue skin is wrinkled, but somewhat lively in the blue lighting. His white hair was distributed along his chin in a line and on the sides of his head, leaving a blue bald section on the top of his head front to back. His face had varying blue marks in different places going in different directions, and his ears were pointed and very similar to Allura's.

"Princess Allura of Altea!" his voice was scratchy and surprised, yet clearly overjoyed.

"Elder Lazarius! Wonderful to see you again!" Allura greeted brightly.

Elder Lazarius stepped down from his chair and we all realized how much height his chair gave him. He couldn't have been taller than 5 feet, however, his hunched back did not do anything to help his height.

"How might I help you dear?" Elder Lazarius placed a 3-fingered hand gently on Allura's shoulder.

"Well, we have a bit of a unique person with us... we were wondering what you might know about her particular abilities," she looks back the group we formed behind her and the paladins split to reveal me.

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