Chapter 2

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"What?" Lance's face shows his confusion at my request.

"Allura suggested asking you about Earth to see if it might remind me of anything... If you don't want to, it's fi-"

He cuts me of, shaking his head, "No, no, no, it's fine. I guess nobody's really ever wanted me to..." He perks up and pats the space next to him, "Here, come sit!"

The weight in my chest seems to be lifted by his invitation, so I oblige.

"Earth was... great... I mean, space is cool, but you won't find another place with Varadero beach and garlic knots and... my family," Lance's face saddens with the mention of his family, but he quickly moves on. "Earth has really hot and dry places like the desert where the Garrison and Keith little shack was. But there are also freezing places where people can't even live, like Antarctica. I'm from Cuba, where it's really nice and warm all year. I really miss the rain, too, and-," Lance seems to notice he's getting off-topic and his face saddens again. "Sorry, that's kinda irrelevant..."

"You're homesick, aren't you?" I notice. Lance begins to cover up his expression, but I don't want him to push it down and repress it, "Tell me about your family..."

He looks down at the couch cushion with a sad smile, "My family? My family was the best family you could ask for. "

Lance lights up as he proceeds to tell me about his family. About how supportive they were when he told them he wanted to attend the Galaxy Garrison, then when he got in how they threw him a party. About how his parents, and brothers, and sister were always there for him. Their family game nights, and holiday traditions, and how his sister taught him all about skin and hair care, and how his brothers taught him how to play just about every video game there is. Then about his nieces and nephews and how cool of an uncle he was.

"They all... they all think I'm dead right now," his face falls. "And really, who knows if I'll make it back before I die..."

"You'll see them again," I tell him without a trace a doubt in my voice. He gives me a look that says 'how do you know that?' "Lance, I can't predict the future or make things happen, but if you'll never see your family again, then what's the point in fighting?"

He searches my face for... something, then opens his mouth to say something, but before he can form words, Coran barges in, "Number Two and Number Five, you are to report to the Bridge immediately," before he continues out of the room

I look at Lance and any sign of sadness or pain has vanished from his face, as if we never had the conversation, but instead joked about penguins or politics. I decide to drop it there and let Lance lead the way to the Bridge.

The Paladins were either just walking in or already on the Bridge upon mine and Lance's arrival. While the others remain in their normal clothes, Shiro wears the armor I recognize from after I woke up.

"We've picked up a distress call from a nearby planet. While we are busy planning our next move in our fight against Zarkon, gaining as many allies as we can will be beneficial," Allura announces. "Pidge and Coran will look into our destination, and Valerie, I have something that might be of use to you."

Allura gestures for me to follow her, so I do. The small closet-like room lights up as soon as I walk in. Presented on a stand before me is a suit, almost identical to the others of the Paladins, but instead of red, blue, black, green, or yellow, it's accented with white.

"The suits are easy to make, but I'm afraid the bayards are not. We will have to get you a weapon before sending you on missions, but you should be fine this time with all five paladins..." Allura explains before she sees the surprise in my face. "I'm sorry," she quickly apologizes, "I shouldn't have assumed you'd want to join the team..."

"No, it's alright," I forgive. "It's just... a lot to take in, really. I mean, I hardly know who I am, so processing that and all this..." I trail off.

"I understand," she smiles patiently. "It's all up to you, though. If you decide to join us, we'll be back on the Bridge." With that, she exits.

I stare at the suit, elevated with pride as if descending from heaven. Just that fact alone is enough to make a controversy over what I should do. The suit itself gives off such a strong sense of stability and confidence that I simply can't match. However, it provides a sense of protection and independence that seems to be all I need at the moment.

And what am I going to do for the weapon Allura mentioned? Can I even fight? My mind goes back to the hair tie around my wrist. I almost chuckle at the thought of me trying to fight with that while the others kick ass with real weapons.

Why is Allura so quick to trust me? Why is she so quick to even welcome me as a part of the team? If she was like that with everyone, she'd have been wiped out by now. She can't be that naive. Then again, none of the team seems to have even considered the fact that I could be a threat. None of them can be that naive. There has to be a reason... a reason that I need to know...

Upon entering the Bridge again, everyone's eyes were locked on me. Still, none of them seemed to be bothered by the white Paladin armor I'm now wearing. I fidget with the helmet in my hands, unsure of whether their stares might be good or bad. I glance at Allura, holding her own helmet in her hands. I can't help but wonder how she possibly fits all of her hair into that helmet.

Coran starts briefing us on the planet we're headed for, thankfully drawing the attention away from me.

Word Count: 1042

Yay! Chapter 2! So what'd you think? I have plans for the rest of the story (or at least most of the story) and I'm super excited to continue!

Thanks for reading!

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