Chapter 4

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    I keep a mental record of how easily Keith dodges laser beams and takes out Galra sentries with a single swipe. I hardly have to know Keith to know that you don't want to be on the other end of that sword.

    "This is it?" Keith turns to me, as we reach big doors.
    "Should be," I hold up the bayard. In a flash of blue light it turns into a metallic staff, blue electricity crackling on the end.
    We, quite dramatically, burst through the doors, ready to kick Galra ass. Sentries are the first to block our path, but Keith takes them out easily. I guess their shitty aim really doesn't help their case. As soon as the real, living Galra soldiers start fighting, Keith isn't able to easily take them alone.

    Here goes nothing. I swipe a robotic sentry out of the way with one blow across the torso and throw electric-charged blows at the first soldier to attack me. Fighting comes almost naturally with the staff, like it was something my brain just knew to do, like breathing. All I really process from the fight is the swishing and flashing of electricity and the staff twirling and striking.

    It doesn't really hit me how lucky I am that I remembered how to fight until I glance around at the room of soldiers and sentries on the ground. Catching his breath, Keith approaches the control panel in a whole other language. His eyes dart across it, trying to figure out what to do, "How does any of this work...?"
    "I don't think it matters," I look for a power source. My eyes land on a panel on the wall. "We just have to cut off the communications somehow." I make my way over to the panel and open it. There's no evident on/off switch, so I mutter, "Screw it," under my breath and jam the end of the staff into it. Sparks in the panel fly and a jolt of electricity sends me flying back, into Keith, who thankfully has fast enough reflexes to catch me.

    "That was kinda stupid," Keith bluntly states.

    "But it worked," I smirk, brushing off the literal and metaphorical shock. The room is darker now, naturally lit by the numerous windows. The panels are just like metal counters now and the previously heard electric hum was silenced.

    "They're here!" A sudden voice draws my attention to the door. The Galra commander stands in big, bulky armor, making his higher status evident. A sharp pain shoots through my head and my vision fades into a sort of dream.

    "Prisoner 81202, is it? I promise to keep this brief if you cooperate. What do you know?" The commander's expression was blank. Impossible to read. He just spoke in a deep, blunt tone.

    "I told you, I don't know anything!" I helplessly fought against the restraints holding me to the mostly vertically placed table.

    He still didn't show it in his face, but his tone suggested disappointment, "Well... You brought this on yourself." The druids standing on either side of the commander raised there hands.

    I'm not sure if it was the memory of the pain that followed or the loud clang of metal hitting metal that brought me back to reality. I'm staring at the ground, now suddenly on my knees, with my head in my hands. I look up to see Keith in front of me, holding his sword up to deflect the metal, spiked club the commander had apparently swung at me. Behind me was a loud crash, from what I'm assuming was the wall being broken.

I can't bring myself to move. My mind is a jumbled mess of new, very limited, fuzzy memories. I was on a Galra ship?. Ok. But why? And what were they trying to get out of me? Did I know anything? What happened? My questions rattle around in my head, each one giving me more and more of a headache as I try to put the pieces together.

    Keith redirects the direction of  the club and strikes the commander in the ribs, hard enough to send him stumbling back. That gives him the time to grab my staff from the panel and my hand, and pull me into the open mouth of the Green Lion, which now had its head through the wall.

    Keith catches his breath and turns to me. I hardly notice, still trying to process my flashback, where I am, and what's going on. "What was that?!" He sounds annoyed, but as soon as I snap my head up and meet his eyes, I register more of his concern.

    "I-I... I don't know..." I tried to mask the panic in my voice, but completely failed.

Word Count: 795

So? Thoughts? This one was a bit shorter, but I'll put the next chapter up soon. I accept constructive criticism, so don't hesitate to give some feedback!

Thanks for reading!!

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