Chapter 1

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Allura is her name. Princess Allura of Altea. This is her ship. This is her castle. These so-called 'Voltron Lions' are hers. She has 5 giant robotic lions, 5 trained paladins, and a castle-ship on her side. She could obliterate me without batting an eye.

I'm Valerie. A lost, confused human. What do I own? A pair of pants, a shirt, a pair of boots, some fingerless gloves, and a hair tie. I mean, I guess I could shoot the hair tie at someone. If I have good aim, maybe I'd hit their eye. Otherwise, I'm completely defenseless. But hell, I have no clue what I can do. That's the other thing. I can hardly remember who I am.

Why do I feel like I can trust her so much? She's a princess. She's a diplomat. Maybe she just has that effect on people. But still. She poses the biggest threat to me right now, and if she were to change her mind about trusting me, I wouldn't stand a chance. Maybe I really just can't afford to not trust her. Really, where else am I going to go?

"So... your dad, King Alfor, created 5 sentient, robotic lion-ships that all combine into a big fighting robot with the power of friendship. And this other alien race, led by Zarkon, who used to be the pilot of the head of this robot, wants these lions more than anything?" I try to reiterate everything she just told me.

Allura nods, as if it's that simple, "Yes."

"And... this is just completely normal to you?" I raise my eyebrows at her. "Well, I guess I don't really have anything to compare it to... It just feels kinda crazy..." I shrug, sort of sadly.

Allura gives me a sympathetic look, "You should talk to the paladins. Maybe they could remind you of something. They are Earthlings, too..."

The idea almost churned my stomach. While Allura basically has the power of the universe on her side, she comes off gentle. The paladins? Hunk could easily squeeze me to death, Pidge could devise a genius plot to kill me with a feather, Lance could send a laser through my head without even looking, Keith could kill me however the hell he wants and probably wouldn't hesitate, and Shiro could snap my neck with his human hand.

Clearly my thoughts reflect on my expression, because Allura chuckles, "It's ok. They seem a lot more intimidating than they really are. Maybe start with Lance. He'd be happy to tell you all about Earth."

"Alright," I make my way to the door, but stop before I leave, "Thanks, Allura."

She smiles, "Any time."

Word Count: 445

Ok, this chapter was a bit shorter than I planned, but I decided I'm going to showcase each character in a different character... possibly. I dunno... They might all end up being in one chapter, depending on how long they end up being. Either way, this seemed like an appropriate place to stop.

Tell me what you think so far! If you have any ideas, I'm open to listen, just DM me! (I cannot promise I will use those ideas, but I DO promise to listen and consider them as a possibility. AND I will credit you for them ((unless you say otherwise)))

Thanks for reading!

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