-1- Adrenaline

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    Jeon Jungkook.

"You're literally the highlight of today, ya know... Your race tonight, everyone's talking about it." Jimin said, tapping his pen on the desk

"Think so?" Jungkook replied, fumbling with the pages of his notebook with one hand and the other holding his head up. Jimin nods in confirmation. He sighs, when will this class be over? Everything about today has been so painfully long. Getting up and walking out of class in the middle of the lecture sounded good right now, although Jungkook knew he couldn't. He's missed too many days of class and he can't afford to miss more. Literally. Although he didn't need the credit, his best friend, Park Jimin needed it. He couldn't let him take a class with people he doesn't know.

"Jeon Jungkook, care to explain why you're talking during my lecture? I expect you care about this current topic we are discussing, Mr. Jeon. Seeing as you cared enough to show up today." The teacher, Mrs. Gwen stated, causing all the eyes in the room to turn back and stare at him.

"I am only taking this class for fun. I don't care enough about what you are teaching for your lecture to matter to me, Tracy." Jungkook retorted, sitting back with his feet up on the desk, smirking.

The whole class let out a unanimous gasp at the use of the teachers first name and started mumbling amongst each other. "I'm glad you think that way, Mr. Jeon. Being careless will be your downfall. You should know this better than anyone here." She replied bitterly.

"That's the fun in all of this, lighten up and live a little Tracy. You get paid just for me sitting here, I shouldn't matter to you." Jungkook said, glancing up at the clock. The bell would ring soon, and that would mean he's free for the rest of the week. Jimin uncomfortably started standing up, also glancing at the clock.

The bell rung, and as soon as Jungkook heard the sound echo the room, he was gone. "Kookie wait up!" Jimin shouted down the hall, panting. Jimin could barely keep up with him. Jungkook paused for a second to give the short man a chance to catch up, but he was obviously in a hurry, so the second wasn't like a second, more like a slower walk. They walked down the hallway and out through the doors. It was dark out, sidewalk barely lit by the dim streetlights.

"I guess we will be cutting it close then." Jimin said, chuckling. Jungkook smirked, "I guess so."

After Jungkook arrives at his dorm, he rushes to his room to put on his riding gear. It's hard not to get excited while doing this. He loves racing, and he knows he's good at it too. It's something he's been doing since middle school, and that sense of pride and his competitiveness is what keeps him at it every week. He glances over to his dresser and grabs his keys to his white and red Ducati Super Sport. His most prized possession. With all the modifications made to it, LED lights, Throttle grips, and countless other performance enhancing and cosmetic changes, it's probably worth more than his own life.

He runs down the stairs to the parking garage, puts the keys in the ignition and turns on the bike. He sits for a moment listening to the delicious purrs his bike was making. He quickly remembers he's on important business and speeds off downtown to his location. As he passes through town, he admires how beautiful it is with all the lights and the empty streets and gets completely lost in the wind and sound of his bike. Before he knows it, he's arrived.

"So, this is my opponent? You don't look like much." A man said, then chuckled.

Jungkook smirked and removed his mask, gave the man a blank stare and revved his engine. "You'll be eating my dirt after tonight. You may be trying to hide it but I can tell your nervous, and I can see right through you. Just another easy obstacle I'll burn out tonight." He said, before covering his face with his mask again. His eyes narrowed focusing on the road.

"Go Nochu!!" "Burn some rubber Nochu!" "Nochu! Nochu!" His name was being chanted by the crowd of people who came to spectate him tonight. Nochu was his nickname originally given to him way back in the day when he first started racing. He just stuck with it. He looked around for any familiar faces, He saw Yoongi, one of his friends from Physics and Hoseok who was in his History class, he also saw Jimin waving a banner around in the front of the crowd with Yoongi and Hoseok that said, "Let them eat dust, Nochu!"

He grinned under his mask. Adrenaline was pumping through his veins. This was the feeling he's been so hungry for this week. Letting him know he was a real human. Nothing, and I mean nothing.

Namjoon, the judge of this race walked in the middle of the road and placed tracking devices on each of their bikes to let them know who got to the finish destination first. He then explained where the race would end. "Just after the bridge before the beach. In front of the flower shop. That's where we will be waiting. Good luck racers." He walked back to the line on the road and counted down.

3 – Jungkook got comfortable on his bike, revving his engine and taking a deep breath

2 – He leans forwards and exhales

1- He clears his thoughts and looks ahead

GO! – And he was off. Like lightning.

Speeding through the street, leaning to make sharp turns and strategically avoiding cars as he ran through red lights, stop signs and construction zones. He knew what he was doing was illegal, and the police would certainly know what went on here by the skid marks of his tires on the road. The smell and feel of the air were like euphoria and only encouraged him to speed up. He was going so fast even the buildings were a blur as he drove past.

He went into 4th gear once he got some distance ahead and completely booked it. There was no chance of his opponent even catching up. As he looked in the distance, Jungkook could clearly see the flower shop sign even though it was blurry, he recognizes it. He's been there a few times to get some arrangements for his brother's wedding and Sick mother, who unfortunately is no longer existing on this planet. He got to the marked finish spot and slammed on his breaks, skidding on the road and leaving tire marks in the same path he was speeding in.

After he was at a complete stop he revved his engine a few more times and glanced over to his opponent coming down the street. The look of defeat was on his face, and his bike as well. His tires were in dire need of changing, they were wearing down so bad you could see the metal coming through them. That's what he gets for not taking care of his bike. Jungkook turned the key in the ignition to the off position and pulled it out before putting the key in his pocket of his black joggers. He pulled the gloves off his hands and rested them on his handlebars.

"Little fucker how did you do it? You're so young and inexperienced, there's no reason why you could have beat me other than cheating! DO YOU HEAR ME LITTLE BOY?" The man screamed as he got off his bike and walked closer to Jungkook

Jungkook slid his mask down to his neck and snapped. "If I may, your wheels are showing metal, your bike is a piece of shit and I've been doing this since middle school. You call yourself a street racer? Pathetic. You, sir, are pathetic."

The rest of the crowd came in sports cars rushing down the street cheering "Nochu! Nochu!" His friends Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok were all there and as soon as the cars slowed to a decent speed, they jumped out to run towards him.

"You're so amazing Jungkook, seriously, I didn't think you'd be able to do it, this man has beat every single person he's faced since he started. You completely annihilated him." Jimin said.

"He deserved this, he's not even a real racer. He only cares about the girls he gets from it, not the experience, what a cunt." Yoongi states, a little louder so the man can hear him.

"Thanks, guys, I appreciate you being so supportive, but it's what I love to do. I don't care if I win or lose, what matters the most to me is making sure losers like him get put back into their place." Jungkook laughs.

"Watch it, little boy." The man said in an angry voice. Moving his hands into a fist and clenching tightly.

"Watch what? You lose again? You totally suck dude, Jungkook won and you didn't." Hoseok snickered.

"Besides, I'm not even afraid of you anyways. Don't think I didn't hear about all the shit that was spewing out of your mouth, total garbage." Jungkook snaps. "I agreed to this just to prove you wrong and show how much of a disgrace you are to the racing community and the human population. You're nothing but a scumbag fuck who thought he could beat me because I was younger AND even regurgitated complete bullshit about me from your mouth."

"You fucking asshole. You're a little kid who doesn't know any better. I'll teach you to speak to me like that." The man screamed as he raised his fist and threw it at Jungkook's face. Jungkook caught his hand and pushed him back slightly.

"Tsk. Tsk. You result to fighting I see. You're just proving how pathetic you are." Jungkook said as he got off his bike and clocked the man in the head sending him to the ground, blood seeping from his skill. "Know your fucking place before you come up to me acting like your god and shit. What a fucking asshole." Jungkook said as he picked the man up by his jacket and dragged him to the wall just under the window of the flower shop.

After Jungkook plopped the man down, he looked up and locked eyes with the most beautiful man he's ever seen inside the shop. There were no lights on, he had a rag in his hand and was previously wiping the windows before he saw the whole incident just staring. His skin was golden, almost kissed by the sun, his face was small, round and shoulders wide, with long fingers and the most beautiful ash- grey hair he's ever seen.

He slowly makes his way to the door, unlocks it and walks outside. "What the fuck just happened?" He spoke amongst the silent crowd and Jungkook. Jungkook turned to the side and looked the boy straight in the eyes "He was angry because he thought he could beat me and my Ducati... It wasn't meant to be violent, but he was just really angry."

The flower boy walks closer to the man against the wall and crouches down inspecting his wounds. "Jesus, you really did quite the number on him, and it was only one punch." He said trailing off. "He did look like he wanted trouble, you should be lucky he's in that position and not you. Anyways.. You race? That's pretty cool. You see quite a lot of them down this street, it makes my mundane life a little more interesting. The names Taehyung, Kim Taehyung.. but most call me Tae."

"Oh uh, I'm Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. Most people in the racing community call me Nochu, but the nickname most commonly used by my friends is 'Kookie.'" Jungkook said, cheeks glowing red. Although you couldn't really tell with it being so dark outside.

Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi all call him unanimously to come back and start heading back to the dorm. He knew he had an 8 am class tomorrow and really needed to catch up.

"I think I've seen you down these streets before, I recognize your bike, I actually really like how you race," He laughs. "Uh, stop on by during the day, I'd love to chat more but I need to clean up everything before going home." Taehyung said slowly backing away and walking inside.

Jungkook turns around to get back on his bike to go home but quickly glances back at Tae who is still scrubbing the window but staring admiringly at Jungkook. He waves him off.

"Did- did you guys just... You know what whatever I'm tired, let's go back." Hoseok said from the driver's side of the Lamborghini with Yoongi and Jimin sitting on the back cackling at the funny video on their phone.

Jungkook nodded and sped off, back in the direction he came, leaving flower boy Taehyung and the angry, unconscious man behind. Jesus what a wild ride that was, he sighed at his own thoughts, picking up speed on his bike, eyes only in the direction of his destination and nowhere else.     

So... I get bored time and time again, I come up with amazing Ideas for books but never really act on them. Which honestly is a shame cause I'd love to write more. This is something I'll work on in my free time. So, don't expect frequent updates, although I'll try my hardest to update or work on it when I can. This is my own separate story away from Two Faced, just like Christy has Cinderella. I hope you guys enjoy this. It's going to be a wild ride.


This chapter is [2,214] words

Sports Bikes and Flower Shops ||Vkook||Where stories live. Discover now