-5- Fate

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Jeon Jungkook

"So yeah it was just weird.. Well, not THAT weird but it made everyone else uncomfortable. I fucking told him so." Yoongi said, finishing the last parts of his story about Jimin.

I pulled a grape out of the ziplock bag and plopped it in my mouth, dazing off to who knows where. The lunchroom was big and not many people where there, it was quite easy to do so. All I can think about right now is how pissed Taehyung's parents were when he didn't show up for work yesterday. He ended up leaving a little early before Jimin could arrive to even hang out. He hasn't even responded to me since last night. I hope he's alright.

"Oh yeah, kook. Aren't you racing tonight? I heard someone from across town came all the ways to go against you. Big deal now, especially with the police knowing you're out there." Yoongi chimed in, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Oh yeah, I am. How could they do such a thing anyways? I've been doing it for so long and now they decide to do something? You have no idea how angry I was after I saw the news, I couldn't react much because Tae was there but it really got me furious."

Young chuckled "Wait wait, 'Tae'? You mean Taehyung, that flower boy? So you guys ARE a thing. Yah, Jimin and I were wondering about that."

"No, Yoongi, its not like that, we are just friends. He doesn't even like me like that." I replied quickly.

"You sure? Everytime you two are together and I look over, he's staring at you. Not in a creepy 'I'll steal your kidney' way either." The older argued. "You give him the same stares too. God you guys are so oblivious it hurts. Just ask him out on a date already before I do it for you."

"I said it's not like that, we are just friends and that's all it is." I shut Yoongi down. Looking away with a slight crimson tint to my cheeks.

Looking down at my phone, it was almost time for my last class of the day before I can go home and change. Maybe go and get some actual food instead of the grapes I've been eating. I look forwards to the end of the day, everyday. There's no place I'd rather be than away from here. I'm so close to graduation, so I have to hold on just a little longer.

Kim Taehyung

I actually felt like death this afternoon. My parents have so much control over my life even when I don't live in the same roof anymore. I'm an adult and they don't seem to understand that. They don't know me anymore and I'm really tired of dealing with them.

I sat up in bed, tears streaming down my face. I placed my gaze on the clock that was hanging sadly on my wall of my apartment. 2:30. I didn't take the morning shift because I was too depressed to get out of bed. I know I have to go in soon, 30 minutes actually. I'll get out just before Jungkook goes to race today. At least I'll have that to look forward to.

Last night was one of the best and hardest nights I've ever been through. The best because I got to ditch work for a while and hang out with Jungkook. I feel free, like I can do anything anytime I'm with him, he shows me how you really are supposed to live. That night was also the hardest because it's the first time I ever told my parents 'no' to their orders. I wasn't going to live the life they wanted from me. I was going to go out and actually accomplish my dreams. Which is also why I started writing a song, just as a way to express my feelings. Although my parents have been so supportive, they don't understand how pushing their expectations on me through force and anger affects me.

I sound so stupid rambling to myself.

I shook my head and wiped my eyes before getting out of bed and making my way to the bathroom to get ready. I may not like my situation, but it's money I'm making and I still need that to be able to support myself.

Jeon Jungkook

Walking out of the school this afternoon was actually strange for me, I didn't have anyone with me like usual and instead of the nice warm summer breeze, it's a little bit chilly. I feel alone, but not like I've been abandoned, the kind of alone a person needs every once and a while. Just to collect their thoughts.

The ride home was also strangely quiet and peaceful. I'll text Taehyung when I get to the café to make sure he's alright. I just want to make sure he got home safely, he really hasn't messaged me since last night and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't the slightest bit worried.

Tae? Are you alright? You haven't messaged me since last night, I just want to make sure you're okay.

I was just about to close my phone, but a reply was almost instant. A small smile grew on my face. Thank god hes ok.

Yeah, I got home fine. A lot of things went down last night, but I realized a lot of things too. I want to tell you in person though, maybe tonight after your race. Are you okay?

I am a little stressed, finals are coming up soon and after that its graduation. I don't know what I want to do once I'm done with school. Seoul is full of opportunities, I just don't know where to start.

Oh, well there's no need to go straight into work right away, take your time and view your options.

Yeah, I'll have to. I'll talk to you later, I'm at a café right now getting some food. I haven't eaten today yet.

Alright, see you then. Be safe.

I wasn't in the mood for a large meal, in fact, I wasn't really even that hungry. I know I have to eat something today though. I got a half of a ham and cheese sandwich and some banana milk. Unlikely combination, but so good.

I sat in a small area by a large window overlooking a cute garden outside and stare out of the window, letting my mind think to itself. I remember Yoongi talking to me about this new song he's working on for his final project and wants Jimin and I to be the vocals. It's super nice of him to approach us on it, especially when he's one of the best rappers I've ever heard and could very well done it himself.

I sat for a while longer, pondering in my own thoughts. What about tonight? Graduations soon, what will I do after? Those thoughts are almost haunting yet everything always comes back around to Taehyung, it always comes back to him. Something about him is so interesting... and his smile is infectious. I love how happy and soft he is all the time. I've never had feelings for someone like this before. I can't help but to tell myself he doesn't feel the same, but every time I think about the slightest thing with him, my heart starts to ache, like its telling me something.


I stopped thinking.

Maybe Yoongi was right.

I loved Kim Taehyung.

I stood up from my chair as fast as lighting and ran out to my bike. As soon as I see Taehyung, I'm going to tell him.

Kim Taehyung

It was almost time for the race to start, I'm glad I got here in time. I was worried I was going to miss it. Turns out, lying to your parents about why you cant take the shift tonight is a lot harder than originally thought to be. I'm also not the person who is exactly great at lying.

I had my bouquet of flowers in hand, waving to Jungkook as he looked over to me for a final time with a wink before speeding off. His opponent didn't stand a chance.

"Taehyung come on we got to go to the finish line! I know a shortcut!" Jimin said, lightly pushing Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon over to make room for me in the back.

I rushed to the car, holding the flowers like my life depended on it. As soon as I was in, we took off. Good thing it was late at night though, I'm almost positive going this speed in a car down a highway is very dangerous, and illegal.

Im not afraid to break the rules anymore.

We pulled up to the finishing spot and you can hear the sound of engines rumbling in the distance. Soon seeing a bright flash speeding towards the white line on the floor, slowing down to reveal more of the persons silhouette in the dark, only illuminated by the streetlights and his very obvious bright red LED lights. Jungkook won.

I got out of the car and almost tripped out of it in the process, running over to Jungkook who was still unbuckling his helmet. Our eyes met and it was like the whole world stopped. Gazing at his face, sprinkled with sweat and hair stuck to his forehead, he was beautiful.

I held out the flowers and looked down, blushing immediately at the contact. "I got these for you. I wasn't sure what flowers you really liked but I got the ones that fit you the best."

Everyone could see the smile on Jungkook's face, as he reached out to take the flowers from my hand. "Tae, thank you. These are so beautiful." He paused and held my face so I'd have to look up at him. "I have to tell you something important though, and I don't want you to hate me afterwards if after what I say you don't feel the same."

Before he could begin, a tall Korean man pulled up on his bike and got off to angrily make his way to us, standing in the middle of the empty road, spectators staring in shock and silence from the sidewalk.

"Kim Taehyung, little flower boy, I never thought I'd see you here." The man snickered as he walked closer. "Can't believe after all these years your gay little ass ended up here, thought someone would have wiped you off the Earth already." The voice I never wanted to hear again spoke once more.

I turned around and backed up into Jungkook's chest, where he grabbed me and held me tightly, backing up a little too.

"Don't touch him Seph, I'll fucking end you if you lay the slightest finger on him." Jungkook stated firmly.

"Stay out of this, Kook. I can't believe you're letting this faggot touch you. He's disgusting." Seph spat. "I wanted to race you forever, Kook, win or lose, but to find out you know this piece of shit? You both are disgusting."

"Seph, what do you even want now, we are adults... Can't you grow up and leave me alone?" I softly replied

"I can't live in a world where I know mistakes like you still exist, Taehyung. You know exactly why I haven't dropped this." He replied, moving closer once more, this time with one hand in his pocket.

"You were never my friend, Seph, you hurt me. You always did, and that night you almost killed me. Everyone should have known from the start you were a psychopath." I could feel my eyes welling with tears and my hands become clammy.

Seph pulled out a small blade, grinning.

Everything faded to black, everything become silent.

"Tae, Tae please... stay with me. Wake up, please."     

So like, a small update, one I've been promising forever, I know. I'm sorry.  Few things to talk about though, MIC DROP REMIX???? CRYSTAL SNOW???? HELLO?? MAMA AND MELON??? WE GOT SO MANY AWARDS DOIFHGKSIUFKJGND.

Midterms are coming up, I'll have more time over Christmas vacation. Expect something then. Maybe sooner.

I also guess this counts as becoming active again, we have been busy. New book coming, probably in 2018. It's good. I'll be the main writer. ;D look forward to more things in the future!

-Renee xoxoxoxo

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