-6- Pluviophile

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Pluviophile: a lover of rain;someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.

Jeon Jungkook

At this point, I've lost count on how many hours I've been in the lobby. I know for a fact it's at least 7:30AM and I have class in one hour but I won't be going. Hoseok came to sit with me for a while when he got off work because Jimin and Yoongi needed to get some sleep and couldn't stay. Exam day is today for them. Everyone who sat here with me through the night is gone though. I'm alone in this waiting room, hoping for the best, praying not to hear the worst.

Taehyung is a strong man, and especially from what I've seen this past month and what he's gone through with his family. Although the last thing the paramedics said to me was "it doesn't seem that bad, he should be fine." I can't help but to think they only told me that so I wouldn't worry. I promise myself that no matter what happens to him, once he's out of here, I'll take him in. No one should live a live like that.

"Jeon, Jungkook?" A quiet lady said, standing in between the door to the patient's rooms and the waiting area.

"Yes?" I replied looking up, hoping to hear 'he's okay.'

"Taehyung requested to see you." The lady replied.

I nodded and followed her through the doors and down the hall to a room at the end of the hallway, dimly lit, where Taehyung lays with his eyes closed, breathing softly. I rushed over to the side of the bed and grabbed his hand, holding it firmly, rubbing circles in his palm.

"Tae, I'm here. It's me. I'm here." I spoke softly, staring at Tae who slowly fluttered his eyes open, giving a small smile in response. He squeezed my hand gently and brought it to rest on his heart. "I'm still here." He managed to say in a raspy voice.

All my emotions came rushing to me at once. "I'm so sorry Tae, I should of acted faster, I shouldn't have let him touch you, I'm so sorry." I rushed out in one breathy sob.

"Kookie, please don't cry. It's not your fault, it never was your fault. You didn't do anything wrong. Please stop crying." Taehyung replied softly, using his hands to wipe the tears from my face. "That very moment, even though I wasn't sure what was going to happen to me, I knew I felt the safest and happiest in your arms. You did everything you could for me, to make sure I was happy and safe and listened to me and heard me out. You did nothing wrong. Look at me please." He choked out.

I looked up to Taehyungs tear filled eyes. He smiled even larger. I didn't ever want to lose that smile. Ever. I inhaled deeply, gathering myself together. I have to tell him.

"The other day, I really had time to think to myself, about what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be but most of all, what I wanted to be with you. Since the day I first saw you I knew, I knew I had feelings for you, and all this time I've been so afraid. I was so afraid to tell you, and make things awkward, I wasn't sure you felt the same and even now I still am not sure. The one thing I do know for sure though is that... I really do adore you, I love you. You make me so happy. I didn't realize just how happy you made me until I thought I lost you yesterday. I'm afraid of losing you." I gushed out to Taehyung, who smiled wider than ever and more tears welled in his eyes.

Taehyung inhaled sharply and exhaled deeply before replying. "I love you too Kookie.. You've shown me so much and make me so happy every time I'm with you. When we spent time together, I never wanted it to end. I always felt so safe and secure, and I've never felt that way before. I love you so much."

My heart never jumped so high in my life, was he really mine now?

I reached to lift Taehyung's chin, leaning over and moving closer until our lips connected. The taste of medicine, faint but still present. Taehyung was tense, but didn't take long for him to relax and kiss back. The moment was sweet and could have gone on for longer but unfortunately, a knock on the room's door interrupted the moment.

"Mr Kim? Is it okay to come in? I have a few things to let you know before we prepare you for your release." A small lady dressed in hospital attire said, peeking through the door.

"Yes, it's fine, come in." Taehyung replied eagerly.

The nurse lady came in and stared at me for a second and asked "Would you like him here for all of this? Nothing bad but sometimes patients want... some privacy."

"No, it's fine, I trust him." He responded, shooting me an endearing smile.

I moved away from the bed slightly and returned to gripping Tae's hand, softly rubbing circles into his palm.

"Alright, good news is, we were able to assess your wound in time, so the healing process should be quick with little to no pain. Fortunately not much blood was lost, and even though the wound was quite deep and large, it managed to avoid your organs by an inch, your quite lucky Mr.Kim. I just need you to sign a few forms for your release and after, you're free to go as long as you have a ride home." The nurse handed him the papers and bowed her head. "When you get home, rest up, eat foods with Iron and you should be on the right road to recovery. DO NOT do anything that cause you to strain yourself while you're healing. If it gets worse or you are experiencing anything out of the ordinary please come back here as soon as possible." She added, swiftly before smiling and disappearing out the door.

Taehyung glanced down at the papers and signed where it was initialed by the doctor and nurse. He glanced back up at me, "Can you take me home?"

"I have the bike, are you okay with that? And, are you sure you want to go to your house?" I asked in response.

"I'm fine with the bike, we will just have to be careful. If you wouldn't mind having me at your home I'd rather be there." He replied.

"Alright then, let's go." I said and helped Taehyung get off the bed as slowly and easily as possible, his breath hitched but then he exhaled deeply and relaxed.

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