-3- Alexithymia

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Alexithymia – Inability to identify and describe emotions in one's self 

   Forewarning- This chapter is trash. Trash in the sense it's basically two beans gushing over and being totally whipped for each other while being oblivious to each other's feelings. So, if that's your kind of thing then continue. Thanks xo

Jeon Jungkook

I wake up with a warm body practically on top of me. More like half laying on me, head on my stomach, arm hanging off the couch. I looked down after I rubbed my eyes and saw it was Taehyung. He looked like a puppy when he slept, so peaceful and adorable. I laid back down on the couch and searched for my phone. Once I found it, I looked at the text messages from Hoseok and Yoongi received this morning.

I left this morning, good luck with your flower boy. Stay safe kiddo.

[Hope on the Street]
Jimin got pictures of you two passed out on each other, he might use them as blackmail. ~Beware!~

I sighed at the text messages before throwing my phone down and bringing my hands to my face before rubbing my eyes once more. I heard a ring coming from Taehyungs pocket, it was his phone. He started moving a little at the vibration and noise before pulling it out of his pocket and sheepishly putting it to his ear to answer it.

The person on the other end sounded worried, probably his parents wondering where he was and why he wasn't at the shop this morning or whatever.

"No-no, mom I got invited to a party, I'm still at the place. I'm fine. Please just- ugh. Yes. Ok, love you too. Bye" Taehyung hung up the phone and threw it on the floor before looking up and staring at me.

"Well... Good morning sunshine." I said as I put my hand to his hair and ruffled it up a little. "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm fine. My mom called me. She's always so overprotective, I don't even live with her anymore and she finds a way to get in my life and baby me. I'm a grown man. I don't need this. I visit her often and make sure she's taken care of. All I ask in return is for her to give me my space." Taehyung confessed with stress in his voice.

"Well, you're safe here. Everyone here likes you, you'll be fine." I said as I shifted a little to get more comfortable in this position.

We sat in silence for a minute or two, I can't tell how long. We were just staring at each other, looking deeply at each other's features, discovering beauty marks I didn't even know he had. It wasn't intentional, it just happened. Neither of us noticed.

Jimin walked out and stared in shock at what was happening in his living-room, he quietly took a picture and then cleared his throat to make his presence known.

"What's up, guys? Long night?" Jimin said with a laugh.

"Oh shut up Jimin, I bet if I walk into your room right now there's a naked man in your bed." I bit back before throwing a pillow from the couch at him, laughing.

"What's up with you and these low blows, I swear. You're too good at this game." Jimin said laughing and throwing the pillow back. I caught it in my hand though.

Taehyung starts laughing at our bickering and then says "You two are like siblings!" Before laughing even harder, burying his face into my stomach. I swear, his laugh was so contagious, I couldn't help but smile at the sound. I closed my eyes tightly and tilted my head back in a laugh.

Taehyung slowly regained composure and then propped himself up a bit so he wasn't completely laying on my stomach. "Don't you have class today?" He asked in a low voice

"Yeah, but given the party last night I don't think I'll go. I'm too exhausted to do anything else. I'll probably hang out at my apartment later if you'd like to come." I offered.

"I'm off today too, I suppose that would be nice." He cooed.

I smiled at the thought of spending the day with Taehyung, it would be a simple and peaceful day, the kind of day I hoped for anyways. He was simple but so interesting and there was just something about him that makes me go soft. Every time we look at each other, even for a split second, it feels like we were made to meet. Not soul mates per se, but something similar of the sort.

"You guys really are something,~ It's nice to meet you, Taehyung." Jimin giggled as he walked into the kitchen to make coffee.

"Well, I'm up for whatever today, as long as it means I don't have to any physical activity." I replied.

I patted Taehyungs back gesturing for him to get up because we were going to be leaving. He got up slowly and stood up trying to regain his balance. I checked to make sure my bike's keys were on me and guided him out to Jimin's garage.

"You're going to let me ride with you? On your bike? A-are you sure?" Taehyung stammered at his sentence.

"Yes, I am positive, it's the quickest way to get back to my place." I answered, before hopping on the bike and patting the small seat in the back.

Taehyung climbed on the back and wrapped his arms around my waist. His grip was really tight, but he loosened up after getting more comfortable. I pulled out of the driveway and slowly made my way down the neighborhood's road. Once we got to the main road I sped up, a little faster than the speed limit... But hey, I like to live on the wild side, and I was feeling pretty damn lucky.

Looking in my mirrors, I could see Taehyung looking around at the scenery smiling at everything as we sped by. The outdoors really fit his style and overall feel. He looked even better under the suns natural light. His hair was blowing in the wind, getting more ruffled up than it was this morning, but it didn't matter because he still looked gorgeous that way. God, I could look at him for hours, his presence makes me feel every type of way.

We got to my apartment building and pulled into the parking garage next to the building.

"I never rode a bike- a sports bike at least, ever in my life." Taehyung said, bubbly.

"Well, now you have. What's it like?" I questioned.

"It was amazing, you can see so much more of everything than you can in a car." He said, voice obviously excited.

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