-2- Eleutheromania

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          Eleutheromania – an intense and irresistible desire for freedom.

          Jeon Jungkook

The first thing I heard as I opened my eyes was the blaring of the alarm clock. If I could pick one thing to remove from my life, it would be that cursed thing. Today, I hate it more than ever. I blinked a few more times before rubbing my eyes and rolling out of bed. I climbed in the shower to cleanse myself from the unfortunate events of last night. I'm thankful Taehyung was there to cool the situation off, even if he didn't mean to. He really is caring though; his smile seems so infectious.

After getting dressed, I grabbed my bag and keys to meet Hoseok down stairs, who was yelling when I walked in sight because 'My class is at 7:00' and 'I can't be late' were two obvious things I forgot about when waking up this morning. Not sorry, I can't just rush out of the house, it's a process and besides, I don't work on another person's time, he should know this.

"What the fuck Kookie, I said my class was at 7:00 not 'we leave at 7:00." Hoseok said as he got on the back of my bike.

"You should have remembered that when you asked me for a ride yesterday. I'll get there as fast as I can. I have to go a legal speed since it is the morning." I replied in a half laughing tone.

Hoseok playfully punched my back before grabbing on my waist as I pulled out and took off. You can tell he doesn't ride bikes, at all. He had a death grip on my waist and it was hard to breathe. His grip got harder as I pulled the throttle the slightest bit. The given situation was uncomfortable, I just wanted to get out of it as soon as possible.

We pulled up to the school and as soon as we came to a complete stop Hoseok jumped off the bike. He quickly secured his things in his bag, waved to me and ran off, holding his hat. I chuckled at the sight, he was hilarious even when he didn't need to be. I know he was late, but the fact he cares so much about this class is what gets me. He complains literally every living hour of the day about it. Also, one of the reasons why I didn't take it.

I figured my class didn't start for another hour and thirty so I rode by the coffee shop to get a caramel macchiato. I would need it for this long day. Jimin was throwing a party tonight, for his birthday. He wanted to let loose and have fun and wanted to do just that with his friends. Just relax and have fun, which is what he hasn't been able to do for the longest time, and honestly? I can sympathize. It's his birthday, let him enjoy it to its maximum.

As I walked through the large doors of the mom and pop coffee shop, the smell of coffee beans and pastries consumed my nose. It was such a pleasant smell, if someone made a candle out of this scent, I'd buy it. It gave me such a happy and warm feeling every single time. Once it became my turn I ordered my Caramel Macchiato with a pumpkin cookie and went to the next line to receive my order. Before I sat down, my morning was gifted something that would make this whole day go round.

I locked eyes with Kim Taehyung, sitting in his seat. It happened at the right time as he just looked up from the book on his phone. His eyes widened and released a boxy smile while gesturing for me to come and sit with him in the booth. I nodded and grinned as I moved to the seat across from him.

"Who would have known I would of run into you here. I should come here more often then." Taehyung said and let out a small laugh.

"I didn't know you came here. This place doesn't get a lot of customers, with it being so small and everything... This is my favorite place to be, besides the road." I replied with a smile.

"Oh yeah definitely, it's a little way from the flower shop but I don't mind going out of my way for it. I am not much of a coffee drinker. I am a morning person so I don't find I need it. I drink green tea a lot though, it's so nice." He said, taking a sip from his cup.

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