-4- Skinny Love

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Skinny Love - When two people love each other but are too shy to admit it, yet they show it anyway.

Jeon Jungkook

We started watching the second movie and Taehyung was getting sleepy, again. He was still swaddled in the blanket and couldn't move his arms at all. He leaned to the side and his whole body fell on the couch completely. I don't think he noticed what happened, his eyes were squinting, looking heavier and heavier before they closed and didn't open back up again.

Last night was rough, I'll give him that. Sleep is great anyways, Taehyung works nights so sleeping right now wouldn't be a terrible thing. I got up from the couch and went to my bedroom to grab a pillow for him. I can't help but wonder what he thinks about me racing now. I mean, it's illegal and we even have people on the watch now. It's not going to stop me from racing, doing what you love is important. That's the true way to live life.

I sat back down on the couch and put my feet up on the arm on the other side of the couch, my feet hung off a little, but I wasn't too worried over that. I looked over to my phone that had just lit up with a text message from Jimin.

Are you going to race tomorrow night? Many people are wondering, I don't know if you saw the news or not, but they really are out there looking for us.

I've never backed down from a race. Seriously? You got to know me by now. I have an appointment at 4 this afternoon to test ride a few bikes, the dealerships contacted me personally about it. They said because of my racing they would love to have me sponsor them. As far as I'm concerned. It's doing more good than it is bad.

Guk, just remember to be careful, it's getting serious now. Everyone's in on this now, and you're what everyone's looking for. In other news, I made our team matching jackets, we all have our codenames on it! They came out better than expected, I'll send a pic.

[Image text from 'ChimChim']

Omygod Jimin, you are so gay. They are nice though, I'll give you that.

"You're so gay" yeah, says the grown man who has a crush on a boy from a flower shop.

My cheeks reddened at the text. I quickly brushed it away.

Goodness fuck Jimin, you know it's not like that. We are just friends, and I don't even think he likes me like that anyways...

Nah, he's falling mad hard bro. Everyone can see it. Just say something already before I do it for you guys. Jesus.

Jimin, don't fuck with my relationships, especially when you can barely keep one.

What's with it and these low blows man? All I'm saying is its obvious you both like each other, go on a date already.

Whatever, Jimin, I'll let you know what's good when I go to the dealership. Stay out of my love life.

Yeah, yeah, whatever bro. If you ever need advice, let me know. I'm your dude. ;D

I sighed in frustration as I tossed my phone gently off the couch onto the floor making a soft 'thump'. I looked to the side to see Taehyung open his eyes just a crack, too tired and limp to open them more. He moved his head to face me.

"Jungkook," Taehyung said softly.

"Mm?" I responded with a hum.

"What I'm about to say is going to sound really weird. I don't like being so formal with you..." He trailed off. "I feel like I've known you for so much longer and it makes me feel distant if I say your whole name. If we are friends, then can I just call you Kook? Or Kookie?" Taehyung finished his sentence, voice clearing up but remaining in the soft tone he started with.

I wanted nothing more than to have an actual nickname someone other than Jimin calls me. Especially from Taehyung.

"Only if you let me call you something too." I bargained.

"Deal. So..." He said before clearing his throat and continuing, "what's it going to be? Kook or Kookie?"

"Whatever works for you" I replied back with a small smile.

"Kookie it is. You can call me Tae if you'd like, or Taehyungie.~" He cooed.

"I'll alternate."

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