A Birthday Party for Rose

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"Rose,"A female voice said,"wake up."

"Why?" I asked

"It's you're birthday you idiot."

My head perked up.

I know that voice.

I turn around and see Natasha standing at the end of my bed smiling.

"Natasha!" I screamed with joy. I quickly got out of bed and hugged her. I've known her for awhile. I just had to keep that a secret from Tony, Peter, my aunt and some other people. She helped me on some of my Spider-Girl duties. She was always there for me, and I was always there for her.

"I'm so happy to see you!" I couldn't stop smiling.

"Me too Rose." Natasha smiled at me.

"We gotta get you ready though, it's your birthday!" Natasha started to drag me out of my room towards the elevator. The doors closed and we went down one level. Down here, it was beautifully decorated. Lights hung from the ceiling, tables out, covered with silk. The last thing that I saw made me laugh. A sign made out of webs said "Happy 16th Birthday Rose!"

"Peter." I shook my head and chuckled.

"That kid really likes you Rose." Natasha smiled.

"Please don't give me any advice," I laughed,"Tony did that already."

Natasha cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Did he now?"

I sighed.

"Yes, Nat, he did."

"I did what?" Tony asked behind us.

Both Nat and I turned around.

"I'll be going now." I tried to slip out of Nat's grip, but she held me tight.

"You gave Rose advice about a certain boy Stark."

I swear I could sense Natasha was smiling.

"Maybe." Tony said.

"Nat, I really don't want to do this." I whispered. I was getting uncomfortable.

Nat sighed.

"We should get going, gotta get you all dolled up." Nat smiled at me.

"Oh no." I whined.

"Bye." Tony said as he left the room.


After three hours of hair,makeup and clothing, I was finally "dolled up". My dress was a strawberry red color. It was long and I could move in it. The dress its self was beautiful. I twirled many times for Nat. I don't think she would let me stop.

"Nat, I'm going to get dizzy if I don't stop." I laughed.

"Alright, alright, you can stop now Rose." Nat smiled.

"Look how beautiful you are!" Nat sighed happily,"you're so grown up now!"

I laughed.

"Haven't I always been?" I asked.

Natasha only smiled.

"Is the birthday girl ready yet?" Tony asked from the other side of the door,"people are already here."

"She is!" Nat yelled to Tony.

"Ready for your 16th birthday?" Nat smiled.

"Of course!" I was having a hard time containing my excitement.

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