The New House: Part 1

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The trees rush past the window of the car; a familiar sight after many moves from house to house. I only have faint memories of friends. There's not much time for them, always moving and being the new kid at the school. The last house was the worst so far; it had holes in the roof and no heating or cooling. The houses seem to be getting worse with every move. I was happy at our first house, when I was twelve, before we started moving all over the place. I had friends there; not that I can remember them very well, only faces without names. The car hardly has any boxes in it, most of them don't get unpacked. That's what happens when you're moving all the time; only the bare essentials.

We're almost there; at least that's what dad says. We never really know where we're going. When we first started moving, the first couple of times, everyone wanted to know where we were going. But after three or four moves, it just became routine and nobody cared.

The car pulls up the drive of our new house. I sit up from my seat to look at where we will be staying. The house is huge and made of wooden panels and bricks. There is a massive front yard with long green grass that will need mowing. I jump out of the car and rush to the front door. This house looks amazing. Mum comes over to meet me at the door.

'What do you think?' she asks.

'It looks amazing!' I say. 'And I haven't even seen the inside'

She pulls the keys out of her pocket and opens the door.

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