Friends and Bullies: Part 2

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I look up to see where the girls went and realize they are coming towards me. Oh no.

'Hey! What's your name?' One of the girls says, sitting down at my table, along with the rest of the girls.

'Olivia' I reply.

'That's a cool name' another girl says 'This is Sasha, Molly, Lily and I'm Raina'

'Ok,' I say quietly.

I try to angle my book so that the girls can't see inside.

'What's that?' the girl called Molly asks.

'My drawing book' I say, still trying angle it away.

'Can I see?' Sasha asks.

I don't answer. I don't want to be rude, but it would probably be worse for them to see.

'Don't mind her' Raina says 'You don't have to show us if you don't want to'.

The bell sounds from the speakers and all the students start packing things in their bags.

'You should eat lunch with us' Raina says.

'Alright' I agree, I don't know anyone else.

It turns out the girls are really nice. Sasha is a little crazy, Molly is an art enthusiast, Lily loves books and Raina seems to hold them all together. We spent all of lunch laughing at Sasha doing impressions of people I've never heard of.

We're walking past the canteen when I see Katie at the furthest picnic table crying and alone. That's really strange; usually, Katie makes friends within the first five minutes of being anywhere.

'Oh my god! What happened to her' Raina says pointing at Katie.

'I don't know' Lily says.

'That's my sister' I say quietly, still looking at her.

'Seriously?' Molly says.

I rush of anger takes hold of me, and my usual shy self-disappears.

'Yeah. You got a problem with that?' I almost shout.

'No, just concerned' Lily says.

'Is she OK' Raina adds.

'I'll be back soon' I say and march off towards Katie. The girls look concerned, but quickly cover their expressions and leave us alone. Katie's hair is messy and her eyes are tear stained. There is a dark shadow forming around her left eye that looks suspiciously like a bruise.

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