Blackberries and Chickens: Part 2

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The car's hot and I'm hoping that we didn't bring any dairy products. It'll stink out the car for days. I grab the bread and run back to where dad is holding the chicken. I hold the bread up for the chicken and it gobbles it up within seconds. It is obviously starving.

'Hey, I'm going to go and get some takeaway for dinner' mum calls from the back door.

'Alright, see you soon'

We got pizza for dinner; my favourite. It's Katie's favourite too, but she hasn't eaten a thing. I don't think she likes this house, she liked all of the other ones. I love this house, but not so much the others. It's funny because we look identical and love a lot of the same things. But apparently, we don't have the same taste in houses. We start school tomorrow; I'm really nervous. At the other schools, we have been to the kids don't like new people. They have their own little groups, I've just learnt to stick to keeping myself company.

leavingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora