Friends and Bullies: Part 3

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'What happened?' I ask her.

'The girls kept pulling my hair, so I told them to stop and one of them hit me' she says, touching her left eye.

'Come on. We'll get some ice on that and go home'

The school nurse gave us some ice to put on Katie's face. I called mum and she's coming to pick us up. Katie is looking better now. The swelling on her face has gone down.

'Mum's here' Katie says pointing out the window.

I grab my bag and Katie's, while she turns to hand the ice pack back.

'You keep it' the nurse says, smiling. I think she feels sorry for Katie.

'Thankyou' she says, returning the ice pack to its previous position on her face.

The drive home is quiet; the only conversation is mum constantly checking on Katie.

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