Moving: Part 1

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When we get home we find Dad packing boxes back into the car.

'It's time to start packing' he says.

'Truly?' Katie and I ask; Katie with excitement and me with disappointment.

I liked it here; I really did. I had friends and an amazing house and yard, even a pet chicken, Penny. I'd only just figured out the name. Tears fill my eyes as mum picks the green tomatoes from the vines in the garden. Katie is excited and Coco is rushing about and tripping everyone up. I pack the few boxes I have onto the back of the trailer. Most that weren't unpacked. The blackberry bushes look as though they are dying. Maybe they are or maybe it's just the fact that we're moving again. Mum pack the bottling set that she never unpacked. We all get in the car after we've done a final check of the house for any remaining items.

Once again the trees rush past the window in a blur, off to somewhere new. We never seem to stop. Even when we reach the destination our journey doesn't end. We continue to move on, even if not physically but mentally too. Sometimes I wonder if we will ever stop. If one day we'll settle down and have time to be an actual family.

I hope so.

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