Chapter 1:

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One Year Later...


Master Wu's Academy:

Lloyd had grown up; he wasn't the small child that he used to be.

We had taken down the Devourer, and eventually, Lloyd took down the Overlord. We'd found Zane's father and Lloyd's mother in the process. Garmadon had been freed of the evil curse that he'd been under since he was just a boy.
After that, things were different. The city had been rebuilt. Technology had taken over, thanks to Cyrus Borg, head of Borg Industries, the center of the advancement that our home had gone through.

The Bounty had been lost in the fight with the Overlord. She wasn't going to fly any longer and it was time to say goodbye to her, for now; meanwhile, Wu had opened up an academy.

That's where our next story begins...

I walked around the small classroom watching my students as they worked; two boys fooled around in the back as usual.
It was tiring telling them over and over again to stop goofing off and a few of the Fs they'd received weren't because of their misbehavior, but simply because their shenanigans seemed to be getting the best of me.
I'd eventually just given up.

Of course, I cared about them passing classes but if they obviously didn't, there was no use trying to cool off Hell.

A little girl in my class, the youngest, seemed to be having a hard time. She was the most determined.
I respected her for that, but she seemed on the verge of tears as she held her pencil, simply staring at her paper.
I frowned, bending down next to her and gently taking the tool from her.

She looked at me and her eyes brightened like nothing I'd ever seen. I gave her a smile and told her to watch the pencil as I used one of the problems as an example for her to follow.

"Carry this one, and add it to this side," I spoke, ignoring our "brilliant" history teacher as he groaned.
I could hear a film reel drop. Some of the students at the front of the room snickered.
My focus was on the little girl...who we called Abigail.

"Can you do that?" 

She nodded, and I lay the pencil on her desk. I smiled at feeling her small hands wrap around me, hugging me.

"Group hug on Miss Bree!" 

"Wait, what?" 

Before I knew it, I felt multiple tiny bodies crowd my own and giggled.

"Get off of me and get back to work!" I playfully scolded,  not noticing the figure in a brown suit and red tie leaning against my door with arms crossed and a smirk on his face. 

The bell rang for recess, and the kids filed out of the room, a few subconsciously shoving past Kai. I looked to Abby, who seemed slow in her walk out the door.
Her arms wrapped around me again.

"You're my favorite teacher," she whispered, "Don't tell the other ones."

I grinned, hugging her back.

"Not even the one at the door?" I whispered in return; she looked to Kai and smiled a mischievous smile before shaking her head at me. I laughed again, letting her run off to catch up with the other kids.

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