Chapter 3:

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Garmadon's Monastery: 

We all sat in a row, the kids in one row of their own and us ninjas in another as we waited for Garmadon to appear. We hadn't seen him since the Overlord's first defeat, and I was curious as to how he'd been holding up. 

Jay sat between Cole and Kai; Marla and Abigail seemed to give Nya and me a look of concern, but I gave them a reassuring smile.
Nya, Lloyd and I sat together; Nya herself seemed to have even forgotten the whole situation at the moment, and I'd hoped that eventually, she'd forget it completely

I hoped I could as well.

A shadow appeared behind the sliding door to Garmadon's meditation room, wielding four arms.
Our eyes widened and we gasped. 

How had he--...? 

The door's opening up revealed that a servant had been in front of him to open the door for him.

We sighed in relief; looking to Garmadon, he seemed better than he had been since his reunion with Lloyd and Misako. He wore a different robe, along a nice beige cover, and held a large Bo Staff in his hands similar to the one Wu owned. 

"Ah, my son," he greeted; it felt good to hear his voice again, "so glad you could join us." 

"Hey, it's been a while, Father." 

"Check out the new Sensei," Jay whispered to Cole, "Looking sharp!" 

"Silence!" Garmadon scolded, whopping my brother on the head with his staff; the ginger yelped and whimpered, rubbing his head as we turned to face our current Sensei. 

"Close your mouth, and open your ears," he instructed, "Tonight's the art of the silent fist: to fight, without fighting." 

He stared at a picture on the wall that hung above his desk before he turned back to face us.

"May I have a volunteer?" 

The room was silent before Lloyd raised his hand.

"How about me?" the blond asked, standing up. 

"The Ultimate Battle!" Nya cheered as Lloyd confidently strutted over to his father with a smirk on his face, "Round Two!" 

Garmadon smiled.

"Attack me," the Sensei welcomed, "but please, no powers; I happen to like my monastery." 

The kids seemed to get a kick out of that, because they all broke out giggling; the smirk on Lloyd's face quickly left as he charged at his father with what I like to call...a pre-pubescent cry. 

With one turn of Garmadon, Lloyd rammed into the desk back-first and fell to the floor with a groan and pant. 

"You see?" the Sensei asked, "The key is balance; let your opponent fight himself." 

Lloyd stood up and ran at his dad from behind; he tried several moves, but Garmadon dodged them all. 

"Let the enemy tire himself."

That seemed to be the end of the line for Lloyd; he aimed a high-kick straight for Garmadon. 

His father simply yawned.

Next thing we knew, Lloyd flew face-first into the pole Kai sat next to, and landed on his back. 

It was easy to tell he was seeing stars.

 "Pupils," Garmadon addressed, "I give you the most powerful ninja in all the land: The Golden Ninja." 

The students began cracking up again and Lloyd did not seem happy.
As the other ninjas and Nya facepalmed, he quickly returned to his feet, forcing an orb of power from his hands. 

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