Chapter 4:

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The Train: 

Nya had gone off on her own, though every now and then I'd catch her taking a glance at Jay and Cole.
It sucked that that stupid console was keeping control of both of us as if it was watching our every move. Every once in a while, I'd forget and be fine; however, soon as either Cole, Nya or Kai walked by, it was Game Over.
My stomach would turn and I'd start thinking about that darn machine as if were a curse that I'd been given for even approaching the Industries in the first place.

P.I.X.A.L. had gone off with Zane and Kai and I stayed in the same room to discuss things that needed to be done when we got to the Nindroids' base. We had been talking for a while and after that "discussion" was over, things were just...awkward.
It'd gotten to the point where I began to sort things out around the train as if a distraction to get away from the guy. 

He raised a brow at me while he watched me try to organize the wands.

" I doing something?" he asked.

"Nope, not all," I answered quickly as my hands began to work faster, shaking this time. 


"Why do you ask?" 

I felt a hand take my own and immediately let go of the wands.
The shaking stopped, and I instead felt frozen, my blood running cold at the touch.

"When are you gonna learn to start opening up?" 

I fell silent, looking at the scuff marks on the floor. 

"It's...not the opening up that's the problem," I corrected, "It's just...the fear of what might happen if I do." 

His amber eyes seemed to stay fixated on me for a moment before he finally spoke back up again.

"...What exactly were you expecting of me, that night?" he asked, "You know, the night that we talked, and I asked you to tell me what was going on?" 

"...I don't know," I finally admitted, "I wish I had an answer, but...I don't; I really, really don't."  

He frowned.

"You think it might've been something from your past?" 

"No," I answered without a moment's hesitation, "not at all; if anything I'm far over it, by now." 

"Then what made you--" 

I finally lost it. 

"I don't know!" I interrupted, grabbing my head, "I wish I knew but I don't and that's the problem!" 


I didn't know what was happening to me at that point. It was as if with one touch, everything has just disintegrated in front of me.

"--This is the first real conversation that we've had in a year, and I still don't know what to say to this; and with everything going on, I just don't know, Kai. I really don't--" 

"--Bree!" He scolded. 

I finally shut my mouth as he took my wrist. 

"Chill out, man," he scolded once more with a chuckle, "No one's mad at you for not knowing." 

I looked up at him and hesitated before saying anything. 

"...I'm sorry, for everything; for not talking to you and for you thinking that I was upset, and--" 

"--Hey," he cut off, another laugh escaping him, "it's okay; you don't need to get carried away." 

I didn't know what it was that was driving me into this, but I definitely blamed that machine for adding to it.
He chuckled again before I felt his arms wrap around me in a hug.

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