The meeting and cuddles

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It was a long 2 hours. I waited In science class
For the bell to ring. I wanted to see Levi badly. I waited and waited until the bell finally rang.
I ran to Levi's classroom to where he was waiting. I ran past that one girl with the black hair I saw earlier. She just stared at me.

Finally I made it in time to Levi's room. It was 3:00 and I was on time for our meeting. I held the homework in my hands so he could help me. I also sat down in the chair that he had near his desk. "Do you need help with math?" I stared at him. He was acting quite weird around me. Even though it was the first day of school I already like mr. Ackerman. Before I could answer Levi he stood up and walked over to me.

"I made a new club called the wall service club would you like to join?" There was a 10 meter wall around our school because the people who own this school does not want any intruders.
"Uummmmmm sure why not!!" I said nervously as the tall man walks up to me. He gave me a nod of approval and gave me a pin.
"The clubs group name your in is The Wings Of Freedom." "O-ok but what type of name is that?!"

Mr. Ackerman stared a hole through me and sighed. "Tch god damn brat do you know what the hell creativity is ?" I started to blush as he got even closer. I can feel his warm breath hitting my ear as he whispers in my ear. "Why the hell are you blushing? You are not falling in love with me are you?" "N-no I-I ummmm............... need to use the bathroom?" "Hurry up you piece of sh-" "please watch your language Hechiou!"

Why the flippen flippers did I call him Hechiou?? "Cool nick name Yeager now go to the bathroom and put the pin on your shirt. Please dont loose the pin. That costed 5000¥!" Wow that much for a pin?! I came back from that bathroom and fond a note on Levi's desk. The note read 'needed to go home for a family emergency. Here is my number to call me If you need help with your homework.' I quickly put the number in my phone and text him.

To Levi:
From Levi:
Hello what do you need brat?
To Levi:
I have a name you know!!!!!!!!
From Levi:
To Levi:
Can you please help me with question number four on my Hw please!
From Levi:
Tch alright it is seven
To Levi:
Thank you but can you come to my house and explain this to me I don't get the Hw at all!!!(Hw-homework)
From Levi:
What is your address?

I tell Levi my address and he said that he will be there in five. He had to finish cleaning what ever he was. He knocked on my door fifteen minutes  later. "Hello Eren you need help with homework?"  "Yes and you are late you son of a bi-" I was cut off by Levi pushing me into my house.

I hope he was not going to do anything crazy. He would not rape me right? I felt a little scared at the thought of sex. I was a virgin and never really wanted to have sex because of the pain I heard it came with. "Oi give me your Hw I will do it for you. You just copy off of my paper." I nod not wanting to make him mad. He was the type that gets pissed real easy. " I will make us some dinner. Want to watch a movie after Hechiou?" "Sure why not!"

I made Levi and I some homemade steak and mashed potatoes and some veggie salad to go with. For dessert I made some pudding. I never really liked the taste of frozen foods. They tasted like shit if you ask me. As a drink I made some black tea. I hope Levi likes tea because I would have three to four cups a day!
(I know I do!!) 
I pull out some whipped cream for the pudding and place it on the table. Levi came out with the paper and gasped. "I am sorry are you vegetarian I did no-" " no no I love steak it is just.... I...... I am speechless!! You can cook a homemade meal and dessert in only an hour!?"

I nod in response and we sit down  and eat.
"Damn Eren this is better then a fancy 20000¥ restaurant. Where the hell did you learn to cook?!" "My mom but she is not home right now. Just be careful of what guys you hang with around her." "Why?" I begin to sweat and say"she loves and I mean loves yaoi!"

Levi stared at me and shakes his head. "Of corse my mom does to well... used to." I can now see Levi bow his head down and stare at the floor. "Did she pass?" Levi then started to cry. I held him in my arms and hugged him. "She died of breast cancer" Levi said in a low tone voice. "It is fine. My dad died of cancer too. I know how you feel" "can I sleep here for tonight please I don't want to leave you!" "Yes but you have to sleep with me" "I don't care I want to stay in the comfort you give me."

I blush red and start to head to my room with Levi. I went back to the kitchen when Levi got settled and did some things. I cleaned the dishes and made some popcorn for the movie. I went to put the leftovers in my fridge knowing that will be my lunch for tomorrow. I walk back and see Levi reading one of my doujinshis that I have placed in my night stand. "Ahhh Levi what the fuck are you doing?!" "I am reading why?" "But why yaoi?" "You left this on your bed stand." "Oh" I sit down in embarrassment and was ready to get laughed at. In stead Levi turned on the movie and hugged me. "You remind me of my mom" I blush and hug him back.

I look at the tv screen and colours  and bright hues hit my eyes. The light was turned off and the only thing I can see was the bright tv and, Levi's and my body hugging each other. 

Two hours has passed and the movie was finally over. Is was 11:00pm and I started to fall asleep. I feel something warm on my cheek. I here the words 'I love you' come from Levi. I blush and kissed him back. I still don't know if I have feelings for this man but I do know that I love him no matter what. We cuddle up and I began to fall asleep. I then said " I love you too Levi I want you to know that." He chuckles and I drift off to sleep.

To be continued..........   
hope y'all liked the new fanfic soo far!! Thank you for reading and don't forget that I love y'all❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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