Sparring, Again

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"Alright everyone, listen up." you heard Eric yell, the second that you walked through the door. Technically you weren't late since practice starts at 7:00 a.m. every morning, but you happened to walk through the door at 6:59. 

I really have to stop making a habit out of getting here this late. you thought to yourself. As you walked in the door, you noticed that Eric had stopped what he was saying and was staring at you, along with most of the other initiates. 

"So nice of you to join us, (Y/N)," Eric said almost sarcastically. He then gestured towards the group of initiates, thus telling you to stand with the rest of them. 

After you joined the group of trainees, Eric continued talking. "Okay, now that we have everyone, let's get started." He said. "Today we're going to be sparring, again. We have a list of people who will be on the mat today. As you all should know, you guys fight until one of you is unable to fight anymore." 

At that last second, you noticed that Four was starting to get concerned. "Eric, you know that's not the rule." He said, "Normally the rule is-"

"I don't care what the rule normally is, Four!" Eric retorted, angrily. When Eric gets mad his face and ears turn red. You had never really noticed this until now. "I'm making a new rule. What I say goes. There is no tapping out; only fighting until someone can't take anymore."

Four acted as if he wanted to say more and protest, but he didn't. 

Is he really going to make us beat the snot out of each other? You thought. You wouldn't dare say it, though. Eric gets feisty, per say, when someone back-talks him. You weren't exactly in the mood for whatever punishment he deemed fit for your smart mouth.

"Alright everyone, let's do this then!" Eric shouted and clasped his hands together excitedly. He glances at his clipboard that has the list of names on it before he continues. "First up on the mat is Will and Al."

Will and Al were both decently sized guys, and they both had a good shot at winning if they put in the effort to. The thing is: neither of them seemed like they actually wanted to fight. They threw basic, slow punches, and neither of them wanted to hit the other. This aggravated Eric to no end. 

"Come on!" Eric yelled at the two boys. "I know for a fact that you two are both capable of throwing punches! If you want to get through initiation, you better start fighting!"

"When are we supposed to stop? Four?" Al asked, putting his fists down almost in defeat.

"Well, technically conceding is allowed." Four replied bluntly, his arms crossed, and avoiding eye contact with Eric. "If that's what you want to- 

"No," Eric said, stopping Four mid-sentence. "I already said this! There is no conceding! You two will fight until someone is knocked unconscious." Eric rolls his eyes and then gestures back to the two boys on the mat. "Now, continue."

Al rolled his eyes but put his fists back up. The two threw a few more basic, slow punches until Will started to tease Al. "Come on, Al! Don't be such a slowpoke, you'll never make it past me like tha-" 

Before Will could even finish his sentence, Al landed a hard, fast punch to Will's head. With a loud "Smack!", and Will hit the ground with a forceful thud. You hear Tris let out a frightful gasp from somewhere behind you at the sound Will's body makes on the floor. Even before the fight really started, you had figured that Al would be the one to win because of his and Will's size difference, but you didn't think it would be over so quickly.

Just one punch? really? you thought.

When Will didn't get back up, Eric throws his thumb in the direction of the door and yells "Alright, someone help him to the infirmary. Al wins." A few initiates, including Christina and some others whose names you don't know, scramble to carry Will in the direction of the infirmary. 

"Alright! Next up on the mat is Peter and (Y/N)!" Eric shouts. He looks in your direction and throws you a subtle wink, then goes back to his usual stone-faced self. "Let's go, I don't have all day; got my own shit to do."

Okay... You thought. I can do this...

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