
911 53 19

Chresanto wasn't fond of the morning after sex because he wasn't there when I woke up. All that was in his place was a pink sticky note.

Had fun last night xxx ;)

I hadn't seen Chresanto in three days, it's like he disappeared off the face of the earth... Until now. He couldn't see me from where I was standing, but I sure as hell could see him.

I wondered who the guy was that he was with. It wasn't the same one from the bar, it was someone else. The two were sitting on a park bench together. Chresanto was cuddled up to him and I wondered who the guy was to him.

Chresanto wasn't anyone else's to touch.

I had already claimed him as mine, but it seems like he didn't get the message and neither did the guy he was with. I'd deal with the guy first and then Chresanto later.

I had to wait for the guy to leave for the bathroom before I could make a move on him. I followed him in and made sure we were the only two people in the bathroom before speaking.

"So you know Chresanto?" I asked, watching the man jump in surprise. He looked over his shoulder at me and rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah, what's it to you?"

I shrugged my shoulders and stuffed my hands into the pockets of my jeans. The fingers on my right hand curled around my pocketknife.

"Just wondering is all".

"Were you watching us or something?"

"No, just happened to be in the same place at the same time".

The guy scoffed, "bullshit. I've never seen you around before, so you must be new. Look, Chresanto isn't the type to stay tied down, alright? He hooks up with people all the time. You fucked him one night and you thought he was going to be there when you woke up in the morning but he wasn't. Chresanto is a proper whore... He's a slut... He's been that way since like... High school".

I stared at him and wondered if he could tell that I was moments away from making him bleed.

"Chres doesn't get tied down, so don't get your hopes up. I've been fucking him like every other week for the past three years and he still hasn't even hinted towards a relationship. For Chresanto it's always just been about the sex. If you mention anything about starting a relationship with him, he's just going to run and you're never going to see him again".

"Three years?" I asked curiously.

"That's literally the only thing you got from all the shit I just said?"

When I didn't say anything, he chuckled and shook his head.

"You're just another guy that Chresanto has wrapped around his finger, and you only fucked him once. Anyway, yeah, three years. He comes to me whenever he can't find anyone to fuck him. It's not like I'll deny him because honestly his ass is out of this world and he gives head like a fucking pro".

"You talk too fucking much" I muttered, "Jesus Christ".

"I'm just telling you what you need to hear".

I was envious of this guy, but I wasn't going to let him know that. He didn't have to know that I envied how close he was to Chresanto. It didn't matter that him and Chresanto fucked around for three years because they weren't going to anymore after today.

The guy walked to one of the two urinals and I waited until after he was done relieving himself to make a move. I pulled out my pocketknife and casually stabbed him with it like it was the most easiest thing in the world. I've stabbed a lot of people before so honestly it was easy for me.

"What the fuck!?" He screamed out, his hands coming to where I had forced the blade into his skin. I stared at the blood on the blade for a moment before smiling a bit.

"Don't worry, you're not going to die. What you'll do is take yourself to the hospital and say you accidentally hurt yourself. Make up the lie as to how, you seem like a smart guy, right?"

I could see in the man's eyes that he was terrified of me now, which he really should've been since the beginning of our conversation.

"Stay away from Chresanto, if I see you with him again then I will slit your throat" I warned, "do you understand?"

The man stared at me with wide eyes, his lips were parted just a bit, yet he didn't speak.

"I said, do you fucking understand?"

"You're fucking crazy".

"Damn right, I am" I snickered before turning around and walking out of the bathroom. I pressed my fingers against the blade of my pocketknife. The guy's blood coated the tips of my fingers and I liked that.

It wasn't a lot of blood, which was very disappointing, but I didn't want to kill him. I wasn't in the mood to kill anybody today.

Chresanto was still sitting on the bench when I walked up to him. I put my pocketknife away and wiped my fingers off.

"You here alone?" I asked.

Chresanto turned his head and when he realized who I was, he smiled brightly.

"Yeah, I am".

"So I can sit then?"

Chresanto nodded and I sat down beside him.

"What're you doing here?" He asked curiously.

"Just wanted to get out of the house, what about you?"

"Same" Chresanto replied, he looked at me and bit his lip. "You know I had fun the night we fucked".

"Yeah? That's what's up" I ran my fingers through my hair. "We should do it again sometime".

"Yeah, like when?"

"Whenever you're free".

"I'm free right now" he smiled as he reached out and casually laced his fingers within my mind.

If only he knew those fingers were just covered in blood. What he doesn't know won't hurt him though.

"Let's go then" I said as I stood up. I lead him to my motorcycle and on the way, I saw the man who I had left in the bathroom. He was using his coat to hide the stab wound, which was good because if anyone saw that he had been stabbed, then I was going to have to kill him.

When we got to my house, I slammed Chresanto up against a wall. He reacted the way I thought he would. I watched him pull his lip in between his teeth and close his eyes.

I could kill him right now, he wasn't suspecting a damn thing. Instead of pulling my pocketknife on him, I kissed him.

His hands felt me up as my tongue roamed the inside of his mouth. I thought about all of the other men that's done this to him. I wondered if Chresanto begged for their cocks like he begged for mine the night I fucked him. I wondered if they woke up to half empty beds and pink sticky notes.

The answer was yes to both, I knew it, and that's something I didn't like. I envied everyone who had Chresanto before me.

I forced Chresanto down onto his knees and he didn't have to be ordered to do anything because he knew why he was down there. After my pants were unbuttoned and unzipped, he pulled them down along with my boxer briefs and got to work.

Unlike last time, I didn't care if I came by him sucking me off. I had a firm grip on his hair as I fucked his throat and listened to him gag and struggle to breathe. Eventually I was coming down his throat with a shout as I planted my hand against the wall so I could steady myself.

I didn't feel guilty as I watched Chresanto pull away from my softening cock. There was a string of spit going from the head to his lips. It really should've been gross, but it wasn't. He stayed on his knees as he worked to steady his breathing. I pressed my thumb to his lips and watched as he parted them for me and took my thumb into his mouth.

"Upstairs" I murmured, "now".

Chresanto was up the stairs in less than a minute.

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