thank you

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Thank you to everyone who read, voted, and commented on the chapters of He Who Sins. I really hope you all enjoyed the book because I actually really enjoyed writing it. I've never really written something quite like this, so I hope it was okay.

I hope everyone understands exactly what the book was based on, but if not then I'll provide clarification. The book was based off of the seven deadly sins. Each chapter was a sin that Jacob committed and in each chapter you see how he committed the sin that the chapter is named after. If you were wondering, the chapters are in Latin.

Chapter one: lust
Chapter two: envy
Chapter three: greed
Chapter four: wrath
Chapter five: gluttony
Chapter six: sloth
Chapter seven: pride

Jacob was a sinner and Chresanto was just the poor soul that Jacob fell in love with.

Anyway, that's pretty much it, I feel like I'm rambling now. Again, thank you for reading, voting, and commenting.

I hope you enjoyed.

He Who Sins (Royce)Where stories live. Discover now