Getting ready

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"Ahhhh! " Annie and I scream happily! " We love you Johanna!!".We are all in a bone crushing group hug when Johanna say breathlessly "guys......can't .....breath" me and Annie apologize and sit down."How could you afford the trip for all three of us" Annie asks,"I have been saving since freshmen year" me and Annie nod "when do we leave?"says Annie ,Sunday Johanna replies.Today is Friday 'oh shit'.Once everyone realizes this,we all run upstairs and start packing.I pack shorts,dresses,tank tops,undergarments,heels and flip flops.I go to the bathroom and grab shampoo,makeup and towels,I bring everything back into my room and put it into my suitcase.

Once I am done a go back to the living room,turn on the tv and flop on the couch.' I can't believe high school is over'.That is when the realization hits me.....

I never found my true love


After all of that packing I am tired so I decide to take a nap.My nap sadly only lasts a half an hour do to a horrible nightmare.

Ever since my dad died I have been having nightmares on how he died,every time I close my eyes I see my dad getting blown to pieces.

I scream for him to move but he never hears me,I usually wake up in sweat,tears and screaming my head off.i rub the sleep out of my eyes and notice Annie and Johanna have joined me in the living room,I remember that we still have some issues to discus about the trip.

"What time is the plane Sunday ?" Annie asks." 7:30 am at New York Airlines in district 12. ( A/N I am not positive if New York Airlines is a real thing).

After a few wars in America, the states were broken up into districts,New York has 12 districts. New York City is in district 12 so the airport is not far away.

"Where are we going to stay?" I ask curiously, "at a beach house I am renting for the vacation" she replies.

I notice that my eyelids are starting to get heavy even though I just woke up from my nap so I look at the clock,'wow' it's 9:00 already.

This day went fast,I say goodnight to everyone even though we did not eat dinner and go to bed.I am about to fall asleep when I mumble

"I am going to Hollywood, California"

Summertime Sadness A Modern Day Hunger Games StoryWhere stories live. Discover now