26: GBFCI Meeting

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I pull into the parking lot of Bake Me Butter, the restaurant Kota chose for today's meeting. Only Kota, Luke, Gabriel, and I will be in attendance for the studio, as it was decided that making North come probably wasn't the best idea, and some of the other guys were busy. Apparently the entire GBFCI board will be here. I cringe in anticipation of all the craziness that's about to go down.

Gabriel and Kota are already here, standing together by the entrance. A menacing shadow lurks behind them, and I realize with surprise that it's Raven. Are they anticipating an issue? I haven't seen too much of the security bunch lately. Owen said they've been focusing on making a plan for Academy-Con and tracking down Fell (who still hasn't been found). I get out of the car and walk over to them.

As I approach, the sound of heated voices sends a bolt of worry through me. It quickly dissipates when I hear what their conversation is about.

"It's clearly a food pun for 'make me better'," Kota says. He rubs a hand through his hair, his eyes narrowing.

Gabriel snorts. "That would have to be the worst pun ever. It's definitely a pirate innuendo. Bake Me Butter? I can't believe nobody has filed a complaint over that."

"Do I even want to know what you've been searching recently? How in the world is that an innuendo?"

"Bake me butter," Gabriel says with a seductive eyebrow wiggle.

A giggle escapes me before I can stop it. Both guys turn toward me, their eyes widening in horror as they realize they've been caught. "Hi Gabriel. Hi Kota," I say.

Kota blushes a deep red. "Hi Sang," he murmurs with a little finger wave. He's too adorable with his green button down shirt and khaki pants. I want to reach up and comb his hair back into place from his messing with it. My hands play with the fabric of my skirt to distract myself.

Gabriel's keen blue eyes whip between us. His eyebrows draw together. "What the fuck happened between you two?" he asks.

I only freeze for a fraction of a second, but it's enough. Gabriel's focus centers on me with scary intensity. "Nothing," I squeak out. Internally, I berate myself for my horrible performance. That's what years of acting lessons bought me—the ability to squeak out words. Success.

Kota clears his throat. He places a hand on Gabriel's shoulder and looks right into his eyes. "Nothing happened, Gabriel. I haven't seen Sang since the sleepover yesterday." His voice is almost hypnotic with how smooth and confident it is. Plus, it's not like he's lying. I haven't seen him since the sleepover.

"Dude, how dumb do you think—"

"Hey guys! Or should I say, doggos and birdie," Luke says with a huge grin as he walks up to us. He's wearing a blue button down shirt, but only the very bottom button is fastened. There's no shirt underneath. Now I'm the one blushing a deep red, and since Gabriel is standing right next to me, I bury my face in his shoulder.

Kota sighs. "They're not going to let you into the restaurant like that, Luke."

"They would in Russia," Raven chimes in. I stiffen. I had completely forgotten he was standing next to us. How does someone so large manage to be so unobtrusive?

When I look back up, Luke has fastened a few more buttons so his shirt is now mostly closed. "We should probably head inside," he says.

"Good idea." Kota tilts his head to the side. "I want to beat Rebecca there. Since we're here thirty minutes early, I doubt it'll be a problem."

I trail behind the others walking inside. Raven walks in beside me. When I accidentally make eye contact with him, he looks at Kota, back to me, and winks. He winks! "They sell fruit cups here, you know," he whispers.

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