one <3

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Jess point of view.

I stare at the doctor. He tells me the new, that I didn't want to hear. He leaves us for a few minutes to take the news in. He comes back and lets us go home. We get in the car and we sit there. I look down and next minute I'm crying.

We arrive at mine and Michael's house and I see all our friends inside. I ignore them and go right to my bedroom. I hear Luke say something to Michael but I don't stop to listening. I shut the door and sit on the bed. I hear someone knocking on the door. Michael opens the door and then shuts it. He sits on the bed next to me and wraps his arms around me. I lean my head on his chest and I start to cry again.

"I'm so sorry Jess..." He says hugging me tighter. I hug him for about 5 minutes before someone knocks on the door.

"That will be Katie... She wants to talk to you" Michael says looking at me. I look down and nod. He lifts my chin up and wipes away my tears and then kisses me on the forehead. He gets up and opens the door. Katie comes in and sits next to me.

"Jess..." She says looking at me.

"I have cancer in my left leg..." I say quietly, looking down. Katie looks at me with a worried face.

"Oh Jess..." She says starting to cry. I say nothing and look down.

"S-so what's gonna happen" She says looking at me. I shrugged, still looking down.

"Everyone is wondering if you are okay... Michael won't tell them..." She says looking at me. I say nothing.

"It's gonna be okay Jess" She says grabbing my hand. I give her a weak smile.

"Shall we go down?" She says ask.

"Umm, I might come down in a few minutes..." I say looking down, not ready to see everyone. She nods and leaves the room.

After about 15 minutes of my sitting in my room I head down.

I walk down the stairs to see everyone sitting on the couch. I sit next to Michael, who puts his arm around me. I look around and see Luke, Ashton, Calum, Katie, Beth and Tessa. No one says anything and I look down.

"Um...Jess" Beth says and everyone looks at her. I look at her with a worried face.

"Are you okay..." She says and I look at her. I stare at her and then look down and shake my head.

"W-what's wrong" Beth says as everyone looks at me.

"Umm... I have cancer in my left leg..." I say as Michael grabs my hand. I look down not wanting to see everyone.

"Shit..." I hear Luke say.

"I"m so sorry Jess" Calum says.

"Oh god Jess... I'm so sorry..." Tessa says and Ashton agrees.

I lean on Michael and I close my eyes. No one says anything. We all just sit there. I start to fall asleep on Michael. 

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