three <3

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Tessa's point of view.

Me, Katie and Luke are all sitting on the couch on our phones. We hear someone run down the stairs. We see Jess run to the sink and be sick. Katie stands up and runs over to her. She pulls her hair back as Jess vomits into the sink. Katie ties her hair up, standing next to her to make sure she is alright. I get some water and some pills for her to take. Luke grabs her a towel to wipe her mouth. Jess closes her eyes and leans over the sink.

"You feel better now?" Katie says and she nods. She stands up right and closes her eyes. She takes the pills and water, then washes her face with the towel. I help bring Jess to the couch. We sit her down and get her a blanket and a bowel to be sick in.

"I'll go get Michael?" Katie says turning around to go get him. Jess grabs her hand and she turns around.

"No no. He's sleeping... it's fine" I say quietly.

"You sure?" I say and she nods. She close her eyes and lie there. We watch her for a few minutes. We all sit back down on the couch and go on our phones looking at her every few minutes.

Luke's point of view.

I get up and walk away to Michael room. I knock on the door and then open it, to find him standing up putting a shirt on.

"Hey... what's up" Michael says getting his phone.

"Nothing much... Just be sitting on the couch with a sick person..." I say standing in the doorway.

"Who's been sick?" He says grabbing a hoodie and putting it on.

"Jess." I say as he stops moving and looks at me.

"What" He says looking at me.

"Did she like vomit?" He says still looking at me.

"At like 8 am, she came running down the stairs and was sick" I say looking at him.

"Where is she..." He says just looking at me.

"Downstairs on the couch... she's been sleeping all day" I say as he starts to walk down.

I watch him as she looks her.

"Where's her phone?" He says turning around. Katie hands it to him and he unlocks it.

"What are you doing" Katie says looking at him.

"I'm calling her doctor" He says looking at her emails. He dials the doctor's number on his phone and then goes outside.

Michael's point of view.

I talk to the doctor about how she was sick. He tells me that it's the cancer kicking in. He tells me more things which I really don't want to hear. I sit with my feet in the pool. I kick them around while he talks to me. Finally we say bye and that if anything else happens to call. I end the call and I sit there. I think for a bit and then hear Tessa saying my name.

"What?" I scream with my back to her.

"Jess is waking up" She says. I sigh getting up. I walk inside and I sit on the couch and watch Jess. I put mine and her phones on the table. Jess rubs her eyes and sits up.

"Hey Jess" I say looking at her.

"Hi.." She says laying back down.

"How do you feel?" I say standing up and sitting next to her.

"Ma" she says opening her eyes and looking at me.

"Do you wanna go outside and get some fresh air?" I ask looking at her. She nods pushing the blankets off her.

"Let me get change first" She says walking away. I sit down and go on my phone until she comes back. She walks down in some pants to her knees and a black shirt.I take one look at her and I see her pale as face. I stand up and smile. I open the door for her and she walks out grabbing my hand. We hold hands and walk down the road.

"So...what's up?" I say looking at her.

"Nothing. Just sick and tired" she says looking down.

"I called the doctor" I say and see looks at me.

"He said that it's just the cancer" I say and she nods.

"Hey wanna go to the park?" I say looking at her.

"Sure" She says smiling a little.

We go to the playground and go on the swings. We swing as high as we can and laugh. Then we go on the flying fox together.

"This is so slowly... we must be fat together" I say laughing.

"No it's just you" She says laughing.

"Hey!" I say looking at her. She laughs and I smile. We get to the end and she jumps off.

"Wait one sec" She says sitting down and breathing heavy.

"You okay..." I say looking down at her.

"Ju-stt needed a moment..." She says slowly standing up. I grab her hand and we walk.

I follow her and we go sit by the lake.

"You're so cute" I say smiling at her.

"I mean you aren't so bad..." She says laughing.

"Well aren't you being a bit of a little shit today aren't you?" I say which makes her laugh. I laugh with her and then kiss her. She smiles at me and then leans her head on my shoulder smiling. We hang out for a bit before walking back to the house.

Tessa's point of view.

Me, Luke and Ashton hang out in the kitchen with the music loud. The door opens and Luke screams pizza. Jess and Michael walk in the door and Luke pulls the finger at him.

"Sorry mate" Michael says laughing. I laugh at him as he goes back on his phone.

Jess and comes over to me and sits next to me. I smile at her and she smiles back.

"How do you feel?" I say looking at her as the boys talk.

"Better... my leg hurts tho... but it's fine, don't worry" She says looking at me.

"Okay..." I say smiling.

The pizza arrives and we all dig in. Michael and the boys start to drink a little bit.

"Hey Jess, Want one?" Luke says getting a beer out and handing it to her.

"No thanks" She says handing it back to him. Michael looks at jess and gives her a weak smile. 

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