Five <3

5 0 0

Jess's point of view.

I wake up about an hour later feeling sick. I sit up and lightly hit Michael. I start crying, still hitting Michael to wake him up. He wakes up and sits up.

"Jess?" He says rubbing his eyes.

"Why are you awake... god I have such a bad headache" He says waking up. I hit him again crying as I'm in pain.

"Shit Jess. What's wrong?" He says looking at me.

"You feel like you're gonna be sick?" He says looking at me. I nod crying my eyes out. He jumps out of bed and gets me a bowl from the bathroom. He gives it to me and then goes out of the room. I sit there crying feeling sick. He comes back in and gets some clothes on and then puts one of his hoodies over me. I start to become short of breath. Michael runs to Katies room and wakes her up. Michael comes back and picks me up putting my in the back of the car. Katies get in the front and starts to drive, while looking half asleep. Michael is in the back holding me hand. I lean on Michael who holds me in his arm. I cry and breath fast, freaking out. Katie drives as fast as she cans to the hospitable while I cry. We arrive and Michael carries me in as fast as possible. Michael talks to the nurse as I try to breath. I feel myself being put onto a bed. I curl into a ball and cry. Next minute I feel myself in a room with heaps of people.

Michael's point of view.

I sit in the waiting room with everyone. I look down getting bored of waiting. I look over and see Calum and Luke whispering about something. Ashton and everyone else on there phones. A doctor walks over and calls my name. I stand up and look at him. He tells me that she is fine, it's just the cancer. He says that she is sleeping that and should wake up soon. He leads me to her room and everyone follows me. We walk in and Jess is in the bed with medication on her. I turn around and face the wall, not being able to look at her without breaking down. Luke looks at me and then grabs my arm and pulls me outside.

"What?" I say looking at him.

"Why won't you look at her?" Luke says looking at me. I look down and sigh.

"Because I fucking hate this. I hate how she's sick, I hate how she isn't herself, I hate how I have to see her in pain. And it's putting me in pain." I say looking at Luke, wanting to cry.

"You love her, don't you" Luke says as I look down. I nod my head.

"Go back in" He says. I walk in the doorway and hear Jess talking. I go in and see that she's awake. I sit down on the chair letting everyone talk to him first. I sit down and look at Jess, who keeps looking at me. Everyone stops talking.

"Umm... Can I talk" Jess says before Luke cuts her off.

"Talk to Michael alone? Sure! Let's go everyone! We will be at the food court! Text us!" He says leaving the room, following by everyone else. I look at Luke and pull the finger at him with a smirk. I stand up and walk over to Jess.

"Michael what happened..." Jess says looking at me.

"You felt sick and couldn't breath, so I had to bring you here" I say looking at her. She nods and looks down. I grab her hand lightly as it has a needle in it.

"My ribs hurt so bad..." She says look at our hands.

"I hate seeing you in pain" I say looking into her eyes.

"I hate being in pain..." She says looking at me.

"It's gonna be alright..." I says looking at her. She gives me a weak smile. I lean onto her bed and kiss her. I sit down next to bed and Jess says she wants to go home. I nod and go get the doctor. The doctor does a few test and then says we are all goods to go home. She tells us everything we need to know and what to do if something happens.

I text the others and we all go home. When we get home, everyone plans to go out but I choose to stay home.

"No Michael... go have fun" Jess says getting a cup.

"But I'll have even more fun with you!" I say sitting down.

"Am I gonna win this?" She says fulling it up with water.

"Nope!" I say smiling.

About 45 minutes later everyone leaves and it's just us. Jess walks over to the couch and sits down. I follow her and I sit next to her.

"What?" She says looking at me with a smile.

"Nothing" I say smirking. She laughs.

"What do you wanna do?" I say looking at her.

"Nothing" She says looking at me.

"Well let's do something! We could watch a movie, go for a walk" I say looking at her.

"Nothing active. I'm in to much pain for that" She says and I nod.

"Movie then?" I say and she nods.

"Which movie?" I say looking at her, getting up netflix on my laptop.

For the rest of the night we watch Disney movies and cuddle. 

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