Eight <3

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Jess's point of view.

It was the next day and I had a doctor's appointment. Michael's alarm goes off and he rolls over and turns it off. I sigh and turn around and cuddle into him.

"Do we have to go?" I say hugging Michael.

"Sadly" He says and I laugh. He wraps his arms around me and looks down at me.

"Did we really sleep in till 12?" I ask and Michael nods.

"But after we can go to the arcade" He says smirking at me.

"Ooo yes! We haven't been there in ages!!" I say smiling as me and Michael always went there.

"Then let's get ready" Michael says smiling at me.

"Ugh" I say as I get out of bed. I get change into some leggings and a shirt and then one of Michael's hoodie. I clean my face and then lie on the bed waiting for Michael.

"Hurry up" I say watching him.

"Shush" He says as he places his pants on my head.

"Thanks." I say smiling at him.

Finally Michael is done and we go to the car. Michael starts to drive another way to the hospitable.

"Why you going this way?" I ask looking at him.

"Were going in the maccas drive through because I'm hungry" He says smiling at me.

"No that's not fair! I can't eat" I say sad as I can't eat as I'm gonna have a scan.

"Haha shame" He says laughing and a punch his arm softly. He goes through the drive though and I look at him with a sad face.

"I hate you" I say looking away.

"No you don't" He says smirking at me.

"Yes I do" I say looking out the window.

Michael stops at the red light and kisses me. I move away as far as possible.

"Mm I'll just eat this good food" He says getting the food at.

"Mmm so good! Want some Jess" He says while laughing.

"Michael you aren't funny." I say looking at him.

"Yes I am" He says and I laugh.

We spend 4 hours at the hospitable.

I had an scan, blood test and another scan and then talked to the doctor. Michael grabs my hand and we run to the car.

"Why did we run?" I ask as I lean on the car getting my breath back.

"Not sure" He says laughing.

We get in the car and see that it's 6 pm.

"Soooo arcade?" Michael says smiling.

"Yes but I want food." I say looking at him.

"What kind of food?" Michael says smiling at me.


Jess's point of view.

We get out of the car and run upstairs, trying to be really quiet. I laugh as Michael shuts our door.

"Shush" He says laughing. I put my bear that Michael won me on the bed and sit down.

Michael falls out the bed and I laugh. I lie down next to him and smile at him.

"I love you Jess" Michael say smiling.

"I love you too Michael" I say smiling. He leans into me and kisses me. We keep kissing or a while before I sit up. Michael sits up and wraps his arms around me.

"Let's hope into bed aye?" Michael says and I nod. I take off my clothes and hop into bed. I watch Michael as he takes off his clothes and hop into bed.

"Tonight was amazing" I am smiling looking at him.

"Agreed" He says smiling back. We stare at each other before I break it and kiss him. I giggle and I move his flop of hair out of his face. He kisses me again and then his phone goes off.

"Who the fuck is calling me at 3 am?" He says getting out of bed and running around to find his phone.

"You left it in the bathroom I think" I say as goes into the bathroom.

"Hello?" Michael says into the phone. He talks for a while and I start to fall asleep.

Michael gets back into bed and hugs me tight. I rub my eyes and look up at him.

I look at his red puffy face.

"Hey Hey, you've been crying... what's up" I say sitting up.

"Umm..." He says looking down.

"Michael" I say grabbing his hands.

"My nana died...but she died of cancer" Michael says and I look at him.

"oh...I'm so sorry Michael" I say wrapping my arms around him. I look up at him and I wipe his tears.

"You okay?" I ask looking at him. He nods sitting up and sighing.

"I guess she's in a better place now..." I say trying to make things okay.

"Mm" He says.

"Are you going to the funeral? Are they having one?" I ask looking at him. He nods and looks at me.

"You going?" I ask holding his hands.

"Yep...c-can you come?" He ask and I nod.

"Sure" I say smiling.

"Do you wanna go to sleep?" I ask and he nods. We both lie back down and he hugs me tight. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2017 ⏰

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