seven <3

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Michael's point of view.

"Where'd Jess go?" I ask everyone as I get a drink of water.

"She didn't come down?" Ashton says looking at me. I look at him confused. I go back upstairs and open the door and hear Jess crying.

"Jess?" I say as I go into the bathroom to see her crying.

"Jess, what's wrong?" I say walking up to her grabbing her hands. I stands there crying while I get some tissues.

"Babe. what is wrong? Do you feel okay?" I say as she cries. I sigh and I lead her to the bed. I sit her on my lap and I wipe away her tears.

"Jess. if you feel okay what happened?" I ask looking at her. She shakes her hand and looks down.

"It isn't the game of truth or dare, was it?" I say looking at her. She nods looking down.

"It's okay... don't worry about it" I say wiping away her tears.

"Luke keep commenting about it... he must think I'm defeat. I mean, I might have cancer but I'm not defeat..." She mumbles.

"Forget about it" I say looking at her. She grabs my hand and plays with my fingers. I watch her and then kiss her cheek.

"You okay now?" I ask and she nods. She sighs and leans on me.

"So pasta aye?" I say and she smiles.

"Ughhhhh" I say lying down on the bed and hugging her. She stands up and changes her hoodie and puts on mine.

"Stop wearing my clothes. I'm running out" I say at her and she laughs. I watch her take her makeup off and then grab her phone.

"Not putting makeup back on?" I say and she shakes her head. She lies with her head on my lap while going on her phone.

"Let's go back down" I say as I stand up. She stands up and grabs my hand and we walk down.

When we get down there I get some water for Jess and my water. Jess goes and sits with Katie who ask if she's okay. I smile at them both when I give Jess her water.  

Forever// MichaelWhere stories live. Discover now