Chapter Eleven {Kul'zak the Wanderer}

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{Hyria's POV}

     Everyone stretches their legs, uses the bathroom, gets a drink, and other random stuff. Everyone. . .except for Cylia and Laurence. They sit right where they are and stare at me with wide eyes.

     Aphmau returns to the circle first, followed by Aaron. They each have two large bowls in there hands. They sit them in the center of the circle that once was and soon will be again. Jason returns shortly after with another large bowl and sits it with the others. One of the bowls is filled with cool ranch Doritos, another is filled with popcorn, another with marshmallows, another with M&M's, and finally, the last one, the one Jason brought, is filled with skittles.

     Vanessa sits down next to Jason and hisses, yes, literally hisses, at the M&M's. Oh my Irene. . .

     Once everybody has returned to the circle I start Kul'zak's story.

     "Kul'zak the Wanderer is exactly what his name portrays him to be. A wanderer. Kul'zak spent his life traveling the world in search of love. But he was not alone. Another one of the Divine Warriors was with him.

     She went with him everywhere, because she was worried. As you already know, many people wanted to destroy the Divine Warriors so they could have their powers to themselves. She had known this and was worried about the naive Kul'zak. She was a warrior after all. Siri the Warrior was one of the most paranoid Divine Warriors, because she had come so close to death at the hands of someone who wanted her power, and well. . .she was in love with Kul'zak.

     As I have already said, Kul'zak spent his life traveling the world in search of love, but what he didn't know, is that his true love was by his side throughout it all. He soon found himself falling in love with Siri as well. However, as a normal person would, Kul'zak was afraid to tell her these feelings for the fear that she wouldn't return them, but little did they know, they felt the exact same way about each other.

     Over time, since Kul'zak was afraid to tell her about his feelings, he continued his search for the love that he now knew was right next to him the entire time, he didn't want to stop because then Siri would get curious and he'd have to tell her why he stopped. So he continued, until one day, he was captured and held at the end of a sword. Siri was panicked and she managed to find him before the person killed him.

     She offers to sacrifice herself for his life to be spared. Kul'zak had tried to stop her saying, 'It isn't worth risking your life for mine!'"

     Cy gasps and gets really nervous at this point. Laurence looks at her lovingly and takes her hand, whispering in her ear.

     "Shhh. . .it's alright. It'll be okay," he whispers. I smile to myself and continue my story.

     "She had dismissed that notion saying, 'Of course it is worth it! Kul'zak, I love you! I'd do anything for love!' She had stepped towards the assassin and was about to be sacrificed when Kul'zak pulled out a stone and ran to her, pressing it against the palm of her hand, as it was also pressed up against the palm of his hand and seconds later, they found themselves in the Irene Dimension, taking their slumber there instead of in The Over World like the other Divine Warriors."

     Cylia is the first to speak.

     "So, you mean to tell me that, not only are Laurence and I in love now, in the present, but in the past as well?" She asks.

     "The past we can't even remember?" Aaron asks.

     At that moment, Cylia seems to regain her composure as she turns to Laurence and smirks.

     "I guess we were meant to be together after all," she says.

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