>Be the suicidal maniac.

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Your name is EREN JAEGER. You are 16 years old. Your friends would describe you as ANGRY, OVER-ENTHUSIASTIC and SURPRISINGLY USELESS, depending on who you ask.

What will you do?

Well, whatever you do, it won't be standing in your bedroom all day. You don't have time for that, you have a game to play!

Oh, did you forget to mention the game? Well there's no time like the present.

Today you and your 10 other FRIENDS and VARIOUS ACQUAINTANCES are planning on playing a highly anticipated game called Sburb, or something equally unpronounceable.

Now what will you do?

>Eren: Open Pesterchum.

Despite the archaicness of this chat client, it is the one your team picked out to use during the game. It appears that your moirail (whatever that means) is messaging you.

>Eren: Answer message.

-- stressedChaperone [SC] started pestering cholericBastard [CB] at does the time matter? Not really --

SC: Eren
SC: What are you doing right now
SC: Answer me
CB: ok I'm here jeez don't kill me
CB: and Im not doing anything right now
CB: You're my server player right?
SC: Yes
SC: I have to go now so bye
CB: ok bye

She'll never admit that she's a stalker, but she is. For her, that was a normal conversation.

>Eren: check on teammates.

Oh yeah! You have to make sure the rest of the team is ready. Or well, you only really have to check on one other person. It turns out you don't have the smoothest relationship with most of your teammates, probably on account of your anger issues. Anyway, back to actual friends.

-- cholericBastard [CB] started pestering abstractMedium [AM] at five minutes after the last conversation --

CB: hey
CB: are you ready to play yet?
AM: Yeah, almost.
AM: So I was just thinking about the session order,
CB: yeah?
AM: And I noticed that we only have eleven players.
AM: Which is an uneven number.
AM: So is the session going to work?
AM: I mean I'm reading this walkthrough, which is really good by the way,
AM: And it's talking about how a lot of sessions fail.
AM: And I was just talking to RA about stuff, just to get it off his chest, and one of the things we were talking about was, you know, the reason we only have eleven players,
CB: ugh can we not talk about RA
CB: why are you even friends with him?
AM: He isn't as bad as you think he is.
AM: He really needed help after what happened, okay? And I guess one thing led to another, and now I'm sort of his therapist.
AM: And he's my server player.
CB: fine. I guess somebody has to talk to him.
AM: But there's still the whole number of players thing though. Something about the moons?
CB: look, I wouldnt worry about it. What was it you were telling me last week? About paradox space or something? Yeah that will take care of it I think.
AM: Well, bye.
CB: bye...

Why is he even friends with that loser anyway? One day you'll get your shit together and tell him how you feel. About him, not RA. He already knows about RA.

>Eren: Quit daydreaming about your friend/romantic interest and install game already.

You can't do that until the last player in the chain (who is also your client player) is ready. That's just basic ettiqute. Apparently.

What will you do until then?

>Eren: Explore rest of house.

You go down the hallway into the LOUNGE ROOM.

Weird Plot Shit (Homestuck/SNK Crossover Thing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz