>Be the smart friend.

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A young man cowers in his bathtub. The reason is neither imps nor meteors, because at this point those things are the furthest from this young man's mind.

What is his name, anyway?

>Enter name.

You would, but he already has a name. In what universe would a child go unnamed until their teenage years?

>Be the young man.

Your name is ARMIN ARLERT. Despite having ABOVE-AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE, you have no self esteem or faith in your abilities. You have an interest in READING, especially stories with an element of MYSTERY. ENCYCLOPEDIAS of a LARGE AND EXQUISITE NATURE also make you incredibly happy and further fuel your desire to TRAVEL THE WORLD, despite your reluctance to leave the house.

Today, you are going to play a video game called SBURB, which you have spent the last few weeks reading up on.

Why are you in the bathtub, anyway?


You are home alone right now, as your GRANDFATHER recently left to go grocery shopping. You heard a noise downstairs, and automatically assumed the worst. Serial killers.

That is why you are hiding in the bathtub, equipped only with your phone and the nearest book to you; a random paperback novel. Not the best choice in retrospect, but better than nothing.

It looks like one of your chums is pestering you.

>Armin: Answer message.

-- reluctantAcquaintance [RA] started pestering abstractMedium [AM] at before the first conversation --

RA: Hey you there
RA: I wanna talk
AM: I'm here, what did you want to talk about?
RA: About the thing
AM: I'm listening,
RA: How do you even know that it's going to work?
AM: Listen, the walkthrough I'm reading is clear that prototyping can resurrect the deceased.
AM: However, the walkthrough was written almost 10 years ago, for a much older version of the game. I can't be 100% sure that it will work perfectly.
RA: Well that's bleak
AM: If we can't have him as a player, then let's hope that we can have him as a guide.

Without your friend, there's only eleven players.

Wait, what?

>Armin: Have conversation we've already seen.

We've already seen this conversation.

You suppose that you'll just sit back until you're inevitably needed by Mikasa. (You're her server player.)

What will you do now?

>Armin: Sneak back into bedroom.

...Alright. You think you're ready to leave the bathroom now.

You gather your courage and leave. In your head, you were much stealthier, but if there were actually any home invaders then you would be dead by now.

Okay, there probably aren't any serial killers nearby, but just to be safe you barricade the door with a chair.

But you could still be safer.

>Armin: Equip armour.

You remove the entire bedspread from your bed and wrap it around your head and shoulders. You can never be too safe.

>Armin: Install game.

You install both versions of the game, in order to make connection easier.

What are you going to do now?

>Armin: Read novel.

You decide to pass time before your client player needs you by reading the cheap romance novel you brought with you into the bathroom.

Weird Plot Shit (Homestuck/SNK Crossover Thing)Where stories live. Discover now