>Be one of the other friends.

27 1 0

Which one of them will you choose?

>Inspect "locked" characters.

You can't be one of those four. They are locked, and far too mysterious for you to be just yet.

>Be that guy.

Oh yeah, that guy! You totally didn't forget he existed.


Your name is CONNIE SPRINGER. Despite being disregarded by most of your team, you have a tendency to try new things, mostly with your very platonic best friend, artemisCultivator. Some notable activities the two of you have tried include WEBSITE CODING, GARDENING and COVERING SONGS. You weren't that great at any of them though.

When you aren't trying to beat apocalypse games with AC, you are trawling websites absentmindedly. That's how you found most of your internet friends. Sometimes you think you're the only sane one out of all of them.

Your chumhandle is disregardedNormalcy and you need to get into the medium. Like, right now.

>Connie: Install game.

You would do that, but you've already installed the game. You're sensible like that sometimes.

>Connie: Pester best friend.

You should probably do that.

-- disregardedNormalcy [DN] started pestering artemisCultivator [AC] at you know I'm just going to stop writing the times from now on --

DN: so hey
DN: you got the game installed?
AC: yeah!
AC: u ready to play?
DN: well i don't want to get squashed by a meteor, so yes
AC: woah whats this abt meteors?
DN: oh yeah, there's a meteor heading towards my house
DN: all our houses
DN: we need to hurry the hell along if we don't want to die
DN: you still there?

>Be AC.

Thankfully it is recognised that the command-writer meant artemisCultivator and not arsenicCatnip, because the latter AC is not in this story, or even this universe.

Technicalities aside, you are now artemisCultivator.


Your name is-

Oh nononono


You don't want to die-

And right now you are panicking.

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in-



Let's try again.


As previously stated, your name is SASHA BRAUS. You are currently panicking, because the idea of dying does not appeal to you.

As far as interests go, you recently took up GARDENING, mostly because you're hungry. All the time. Puberty fucking sucks, man.

Plus you use up plenty of energy with all that long-distance running you do. Gotta keep ahead of any possible zombie outbreaks.

Anyway, you should message your best friend back to tell him that you're okay.

DN: you ok?
AC: yea im fine
AC: u want me to get u into the game?
DN: well dying sounds kinda shit so yeah
AC: k all good ill talk to cs
AC: or wait ima do something

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