Chapter 1

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Meet The Family.

Scarlet's cab slowly pulled up to the big red gate in front of her. "This the place ma'am?" The cab driver asked. She nodded, pressing her hand on the window. "Hmph, rich folks." The cab driver grumbled as he pressed a button an authorization box next to the gate.

"Helloo~?" A perky sounding woman. replied from the small box. "Oi, I got a kid here for ya Rose." The driver spoke back to the grey box. "Alright, thanks Terry!" The box replied, as the red gate swung open.

The cab turned to the side on the driveway, leading up to a giant yellow house. "Here we are miss." Terry smiled as he opened the door for her. She nodded, and smiled. She got out and grabbed her bag and lugged it out. As her red hair blew as the wind whipped around and the cab left, she looked up at the house towering over her.

She took a deep breath and slowly trudged her bag and herself to the white door. Knocking in a pattern, she leaned against her bag, thinking of the moments before. The door opened, where a blonde haired lady threw opened the door excitedly.

"Scarlet!!! There's my beautiful niece! Come in, before you catch a cold!" Aunt Rose squealed, helping her with her bag. Scarlet examined her aunt. She had blonde hair that was parted to the right side, and shaved off on the other. The rest of her hair was in a ponytail, which came down to her shoulders.
"BOYS. FRONT AND CENTER." She yelled, stomping her foot on the floor firmly. Shortly after, footsteps were heard coming in all directions, as three teen boys raced around the corner.

"Scarlet! You're here!" The tallest one exclaimed, bouncing up and down. His black hair was sweeped to the left, and he was wearing a white tank too with faded blue jeans. "We uhm, didn't know you were coming so fast, so it's kind of messy, heh." The middle one mumbled. He moved his blue hair out of his face, which was already covering his left eye. "Yeah, sorry Scarlet." The shortest child spoke. Like his brother, his brown hair was also sweeped to the left, with a black beanie with bright, bold letters on it, that said "NERD".

"Aaron, can you get me the papers for Ruel Bay High School?" Aunt Rose pointed to the kitchen, and the tallest boy sprinted out the room. "Xavier, get me a pen from my desk." She pointed to another room, and the middle child walked off. "Max, show Scarlet to her room." She pointed upstairs. "'K mom, c'mon Scar!" Max smiled, walking up the stairs.


"Uhm, hey mom?" Aaron said, with the papers in hand. "Yeah sweetie?" Rose asked, taking the pen Xavier gave her. "Is Scarlet going to stay here with us for the rest of her life?..." Aaron questions, giving a worried look. "Aaron, I... yes. She probably will." Rose sighed.

"I feel so bad for her... Losing her parents... Are you sure she should go to Ruel Bay?" Aaron asks. "Yes, I don't want people to be suspicious my three juniors are going and I'm homeschooling a sophomore." Rose states, firmly. "Yeah, mom's right Aaron." Xavier joins in.

"Kids, I want you to help her." She said. "Yes mom." The two boys said in unison.

"Thank you, she's been through a lot..."

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