Chapter 5

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The next week of school went by like a flash for Scarlet. Each day was full of get-to-know-mes and fun activities, and she didn't have to speak in any of them! Every night when she got home she would take out something under her bed, something that she secretly brought along with her, a piece of home. She opened the instrument from it's case and started strumming, letting it's wonderful melody fill the air. "Knock knock?" She heard someone say behind her closed door. She opened it. "You uh, brought your ukulele??" Max asked, smiling. She nodded. "Yeeeeahhh! I wanna hear." He plopped down next to her, and she said down next to him, plucking the strings.
The next day, a Saturday, hit Scarlet like a bus. Literally, because Aaron ran in, screaming, "GET UP YOU LAZY BONES, TIME TO DO SOMETHING. BE PRODUCTIVE." She shook her head, covering it with a pillow. "NOPE. YOUR PHONE'S BEEN GOING OFF ALL MORNING." He chucked it at her back, running out the room from an angry Scarlet, starting to hiss as her tail wagged around, which is never a good things. She checked her phone, and countless texts from Jasper, Mila, Toxic, and Kyle were blowing up her phone.

Jasper: Wake up Scarlet.

Kyle: Yeah

Toxic: Come onnnnn

Mila: Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bacey!

Jasper: How are you so happy???

Mila: No... reason -w-

Scarlet: I was sleeping.

Jasper: Good, you're awake. Okay, everyone meet at Ruel Bay Park at 10 AM. Break!

No more texts came, and Scarlet groaned. She She got up, yawning. Digging through her drawer, she pulled out a hoodie. It was white with a panda hugging a box of chocolate Pocky. She paired it with black knee high stockings and a black skirt. She threw on her converse and grabbed her phone, with her ears buds, grabbing  a small white bag on her dressing and shoving it in her pockrt, running out the door. Putting in her ear buds, she checked the time. 9:50 am. She started running, spotting the park in sight.
As she got there, she sat under a tree, sighing. "Ah, you showed up." Jasper chuckled, walking out from behind the short bridge that was over a little stream. She nodded, getting up. "Nice outfit." Jasper smiled. Scarlet smiled back. Jasper sighed to herself, walking up the tiny bridge. Scarlet ran up to her, looking over to the water, watching a couple pass by on a sidewalk with their baby girl in a black stroller.
"Hi~Hi!" Mila yelled, waving as she ran up to them on the bridge. "Oh, hey Mila!" Jasper smiled, and Scarlet waved rapiddly. "I like your outfit." Jasper smiled again, a little shade of pink only Scarlet could see rose on her cheek. She looked to Mila, who was wearing a mint green dress, with a green clip holding up her purple hair from falling in her face, and her hair was in two buns. Another shade of pink crept up on Mila's cheeks. "You too." Mila responded.
"Heyo, we is here children." Toxic walked up to the bridge, with Kyle right behind her. "Hey, let's play hide and seek!" Kyle asked, bouncing up and down, and the bridge creaked. "Sure-! SCARLET?" Jasper looked up to a tree rustling beside her, with Scarlet clinging to a branch in it. "Sorry!!" Kyle put his hands up in defence wig the amount of mad looks pointed at him. "Scarlet, you suck at hide and seek." Mila sarcastically remarked, and Jasper burst out laughing. Kyle, the tallest of them all, helped her down. "Okay, I'll be it." Kyle raised his hand, and before you could say rainbow feather duster Scarlet zoomed out, throwing her hood up. "She uh, must play competitive." Toxic chuckled. "Yeah, she played manhunt as a kid, in the pitch black. We sometimes brought out toy guns and swords. We live in a giant neighborhood so it was even more freaky for her." Aaron said, magically walking out behind a tree. "Jeez! You scared me! Why are you here?" Mila jumped back, ruffling her ears. "I uh, have practice with my team. I wanted to see where she was." Aaron added, waving as he left the a field of football players. "Welp, bye!" Jasper yelled, and ran off, with Toxic and Mila right behind her.
Scarlet ducked behind a bush, crawling under it. She shuddered at the thought of of being hit with a Nerf dart. "Boo!" Kyle yelled from behind her, and she turned around, tripping him down and running off. "Hey! I didn't know we were playing street rules!" Kyle yelled, getting up and running after her, with the rest of the group following him. As they came back, they saw Scarlet clinging to the same branch of the same tree, hissing. "Scarlet! Turn your killer instincts off! This isn't manhunt!" Toxic called her down. Scarlet jumped down. "Do you uh, want to get ice cream? It's right across the park." Kyle asked. "Scarlet dug through her sweatshirt, taking out $5, and nodded. Everyone else, grabbed money, and they started walking.
"Well, well, well." They all whipped around, and Scarlet gasped, gripping her small bag. "Who are you?" Mila asked. "An old friend of Scarlet's. We were very, very close back in middle school." The girl spoke. "What's up with your hair? Why won't you show your hideous eyes to this cruel uncaring world??" The girl laughed. Scarlet blushed, wiping tears from her eyes. "Why won't you speak? You've always had a different voice, such a thick accent, you freak." She laughed again, and Scarlet grabbed the bag out of her pocket, opening it and keeping it to her chest. "Stop. Now." Jasper demanded, stomping her foot. "You all are freaks, you know that? What's up with you red eyes?" The girl pointed to Toxic, who stood back, blushing. "Hey, leave them alone!" Kyle growled. "A werewolf like you? Telling me what to do?" The girl taunted. Toxic walked up to her, turning her around and pushing her away. "Go and tell your friends, if you even have any, that you met some freaks, bet you'll get some popularity points, if you even dare to talk about us." Toxic remarked, shoving her off. "Hey!" The girl growled. "What, you gonna cry? You can't b**ch about it, I'm human." Toxic laughed, walking back as the girl ran off.
"Hey, you okay?- S-Scarlet!!" Toxic ran over to Scarlet who was on the floor, with an inhaler in her mouth. "Breathe Scar." Mila pat her on the back. "On her introduction list it said she had asthma, this must be it." Mila sighed, helping Scarlet up as she put the inhaler back in its bag, stuffing it in her pocket, drying her tears.
"What did she mean by... your eyes and voice? What happened..?" Kyle asked, placing his hand on her shoulder. Scarlet rapidly typed into her phone, and a voice spoke out.
"My parents are gone. I hide my eyes from the world because I have no one left to help me, my cousins just leave me be. My family isn't from here. That's is the cause of my accent. I wish to not talk because of the shock, I am sorry for not telling you all." The phone spoke. They all gasped, and Scarlet looked down, crying. Mila wrapped her arms around Scarlet, smiling. "It's okay, we're here for you. Ice cream?" She made a peace sign with her fingers, pointing to the ice cream shop. Scarlet nodded, smiling.

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