Chapter 7

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Her First Sleepover.

"Wooooooooah." Everyone awed, staring the big house. "Yeah, it's my uncle's. They took me in after my... uh... family. Yeah." Mila laughed nervously. Jasper eyed her, laughing nervously along with her.
The girly gang all stepped out, and we're greeted by the sounds of screams of tiny children, running around the large lawn, giggling and laughing.
"YOU LITTLE BRATS! YOU SAID YOU WOULD WAIT TO START WHEN WE GOT BACK!" Mila screeched, and the many children haulted.

"FRONT AAAAND- wait. Hold on guys." Mila paused, shipping out her cell and calling a number. "YAAAAMIN, GET KAITLYN AND YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE NOOOW." She yelled again, ending the call and stuffing the phone in her dress pocket.
A couple seconds later two older looking girls zoomed outside, crashing over some of the little toddlers.
"Phew! Okay! Lemme introduce you guys to my cousins!" Mila held her hands out to the crowd of people on her lawn.
"Wait, your related to ALL of them?! There's like a thousand!" Jasper asked, discombobulated.

"Yes, I am. Here we goooo!" She yelled excitingly, and the cousins formed a line.

Mila starts off by pointing to the tallest one. "This is Yamin. She's 20. She may seem ghetto, but she's just plain ol' sweet." Mila giggled. "Uh! As if." Yamin blushed, putting her hands on her hips as a bubble popped out of her mouth from bubble gum.

Then, Mila points to the girl next to Yamin. "And thiisss, is Sasha! She's 17. She is really outgoing and nice, Like meeeeee!" Mila joked around. "I mean, the outgoing part is true, but I think only one of us is nice, and it ain't you!" Sasha joked back. "See! It's me! She just insulted me!" Mila stuck her tongue out.

Next, she pointed to a bright blue headed girl. "This is Kaitlyn, and she is 15. She almost never go inside." Mila pointed. "Mhm, we should go on a hike together! You could totally be in one of my vlogs dude." Kaitlyn smiled.

"And next! We have.... ugggh." Mila sighed, slowly pointing to another girl. "Hey! I just want to ask your friends for their number!" The girl huffed at Mila. "This... is Stacy, who's 11. Don't mind her flirting. She just found out she's bi and is taking it waaaaaay to far." Mila sighed again, lowering her finger.

"And next, we have another little twerp. This is Anna, she ten." She raises her finger again to the next girl, who has an angry look on her face. "Hey, you interrupted my outdoor reading time." Anna snapped. Scarlet noticed she had a thick German accent, making her ten times cuter.

"And next, we have a little messy boi named Adrien. He's five. You'll like him Scar, he like, doesn't talk much." Mila laughed. "Hello... nice to meet you." The boy spoke quietly. Scarlet waved, and smiled. The boy smiled back.

"Okay, next up are... Oh dear lord. These are... the little world domination twins, Neil and Naomi. Stay away from these destructive 4 year olds." She shudders, pointing to two very small twins, one boy one girl. They gripped each other's hand, giving a creepy smile to the group, shuddered as well.

Mila shifted over so she could point to the next little kid. "This is Sarah. Beware her energy. She like, 3? Yeah, 3."

"And that's it!" Mila threw her arms up in the air, excited to he done explaining. Her group sighed in relief, laughing. As they walked by them, the kids, excluding Yamin, Sarah, and Kaitlyn held their hands out for a high five. Toxic and Jasper high gives them, racing down the tow, while Scalret individually shook hands with them politely  smiling. "Scar! C'mon!" Jasper tugged her inside, just as she shook the tiny 3 year olds hand.
"Okay y'all, let's head upstairs, we are using the attic tonight!" Mila raced up the stairs, while the rest of the group followed close behind. Behind them, someone else quietly filled them.

"Okay! Here we are!" Mila stopped up the attic steps, opening the door to the space. "Wooooooah!" Everyone awed. Staring at the gigantic attic. There was a TV, a big couch, a gaming system, and a little cooler. "Yeah! My uncle set this up for me." Mila smiled, plopping down on the floor, where a fuzzy rug lay. Scarlet stared out the window, watching the kids play. She turned in circles. Looking around the big space.

"You look so amazed." Toxic laughed, lying down on the couch. Scarlet blushed, whipping her phone out.

"This is my first sleepover. Ever." The phone spoke. And everyone gasped in surprise. "Jeez man! I ain't really the most likeable person but I've been to a few. I'm so sorry." Toxic got up, patting her back.
"What do you do in a sleepover?" The phone asked  and Scarlet gave a puzzled expression. "Well um, it when you and your friends hang out, watch movies, play games, dance, do whatever!" Mila explained, smiling.

Scarlets face lit up, smiling.

"How aboooout... some blackjack!" Mila declared, taking out a deck of cards and shuffling them, divvying them out.
(I like blackjack fite me)

"How about some truth or dare~?" Toxic smiled evily  and they all circled around each other.
Most of the dares were farely stupid, like Toxic asking Jasper to act like a cute anime girl.
What a disaster.
"What! Now way!" Jasper blushed, shaking her head. "Do it!" Toxic snickered.
"Ugh... fine."
"N-nya~?..." Japser made a cat eared face, and Mila blushed and squealed. Scarlet and Toxic laughed, falling over in laughter.

Thirty minutes passed by, and they all were laughing like crazy, thinking back to the following dares.

"Okay. Everyone. I have... something I've been meaning to ask you Scarlet. Truth or dare?" Jasper asked, looking at Scarlet.
Scarlet, confused, thought about it. "Dare!" Her phone spoke.
"You dont have to.... but it's kinda been on our minds..."

Scarlet glanced at everyone nervously, gulping.

"Can you uhm... say... something?" Jasper asked awkwardly. Scarlet paused, a serious blank-slate look on her face.

She paused, looking around her. At the grey painted walls, the slanted roof, the triangles shaped white windows, the entertainment systems, and then back to her friends.

Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her phone.

"Promise.... you won't judge?" The computer generated voice spoke.

They all shook their heads.

"I don't know if I can..." It stated, no emotion to the voice whatsoever, but Scarlet's face made up for it.

"Its okay Scar... you dont have to"

All the girls, except Scarlet gasped as Scarlet threw her phone across the room."


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