Chapter 4

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First Day.

It was the first day of school. The sun rose up from the hills and it's golden light flooded into Scarlet's room. The window, slightly open, let in some chilly and crisp fall air. She slowly cracked open her eyes, just a sliver, but enough to see the glorious day ahead of her. 

"SCAAAAAAAAARLEEET! WAKE YO BOOTY UP!!" Max screamed, bursting open her door and running to her bed. He started violently shaking her, to the point where she literally fell off. "Whoops, sorry~!" He snickered, helping her up. "Get dressed and come downstairs. Mom made pancakes!" He yelled, running out the room. She laughed at his enthusiasm, looking at her wardrobe, wondering what outfit would please her likings of clothes. 

After 5 minutes of extreme concentration on her dresser, she finally picked out an outfit. She put on a white long sleeve shirt, a red skirt, and black leggings. She crouched down to where her shoes were, under her dresser. She only brought stuff she had, so she put on some black converse. Smiling to herself in the mirror, she looked on the top of her wardrobe, where a golden locket lay. She put it on, gripping it to her chest sadly. Wiping her tears, she grabbed her brush, staring at her long hair, which went all the way down to her thighs. Sighing, she brushed it, then walked downstairs, the her awaiting cousins below. 

"Heya! C'mon Scar! I'm soooooo hungry!" Aaron pleaded, grabbing her hand and running to the table, where a stack of pancakes and syrup was. "Morning sweetie!" Rose said, hugging her. "Help yourself guys." She added, walking off somewhere.

After breakfast, Scarlet walked over to her backpack, which was loaded with school supplies. She sighed, looking over to Rose, who gave her a sneaky grin, disappearing behind the corner. Scarlet giggled, looking at the supplies. The backpack had a bunch of cute notebooks and other stuff. Smiling, she zipped up the backpack, looking out the window. Fall leaves were blowing everywhere, and clouds covered the sky, only leaving the sun to shine. 

"Hey, want me to braid your hair?" She turned around, and noticed who spoke, She nodded.

As he finished, she twirled around, smiling. "OoooO, Xavier knows how to braid~!" Aaron teased, laughing. "Sh-shut up..." Xavier stuttered, embarrassed. "Stop teasing, we have to get to the bus guys." Max sighed, walking out the door. "Yeah, he 's right guys." Xavier nodded in agreement, grabbing his backpack and following his brother. "Jeez, c'mon Scar." Aaron sighed, handing her her backpack and grabbing his, the two walking out together. 

"Hey Aaron, how you doing." One of his friends asked, as they walked up to the bus stop. Scarlet hid behind her cousins, who made a sort of blockade shielding her from the other people. "I'm fine, how you doin' bro?" Aaron responded. "I'm fine- who's that behind you guys?" The dude asked. "Oh, this is Scarlet, my cousin. She lives with us." Aaron moved her in front of him. "She's cute." His friend flirted. "Nuh uh, back off." Aaron glared, and the dude backed off. 

"Finally, we're here! Hellooo Ruel Bay!" Aaron yelled excitedly, jumping around. "We'll see you later." Max waved, walking off with Xavier. "Heyy, how you guys doing?" Damon walked up to them, with a group of football players behind him. Scarlet gave a thumbs up, and Aaron started talking with the players. "Hey Scar, Damon and I need to show this kid around, be right back." Aaron waved, walking off with Damon.

Scarlet, alone with the football players, waved awkwardly. They looked down at her, smirking. "So, you free tonight?" One said, grabbing her hand. Blushing, she pulled away, backing into another one. "Cool it, obviously she wants to be with me." The one behind her said, grabbing her shoulders. She wriggled out, only to find her trapped in a circle of 6 foot guys. 

"Hey, leave her alone." A werewolf growled, pushing them out of the way, grabbing Scarlet.

Scarlet looked up at her savior. The girl had short dark red hair that was draped over her left eye, which had a bandage over it. Her ears were black, with red tips. Her tail matched. She had a small band-aid on her cheek, and was wearing a red tank top with a black jacket, and jeans, with red sneakers. The girl stepped in front of Scarlet, protecting her.

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