Chapter Two:

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Karma's POV:
As of right now, I'm watching Nagisa Teach. He has this same Aura Koro-sensei had. He's amazing.
Why are all of his students scared of him?
"Sanosuke, can you please do the problem on the board"?
He got up and he looked at Nagisa.
He ran towards him and tried to punch him. But he flipped him.
"Sanosuke please do the problem on the board"?
"Yes sensei".
"Nagisa you've gotten better at fighting", I said.
"Thank you Karma".
The student walked to the board.
He solved the problem and went back to his seat.
I spotted that someone had looked up Nagisa on their phone.
The guy looked at him and the picture and began to laugh.
"What's funny, Kanashima"?
"This was you"?
He showed him the picture.
I remembered I still had a picture of him crossdressed.
"How come you still look like this"?
"I'm proned to never grow".
"Eh, that's sounds cute".
"Hey I'm a teacher I don't liked to be called cute by students".
"So cute", I thought.
Nagisa you don't realize how cute you are do you?
"Karma, do you think I'm cute"?
"If I didn't know you were a guy then yeah".
"Karma you're not helping".
"Oh was I supposed to lie".
I did lie a lot when I was still smaller but I figured out how I could become even more overpowering.
"Back to the topic".
At the end of the day I decided to walk Nagisa home.
"Thank you, Karma for walking me home, I have some papers to grade so I see yah around".
Before he could go I grabbed him arm and kissed him.
He looked at me with shocked eyes.
His face flushed red and he said nothing as he walked away.
Nagisa's POV:
Why did he kiss me?
Why did I just leave him like that?
"Does Karma love me"?
No, No there's no way he couls love me I'm a guy but he did say I was cute.
I banged my head against the wall.
"There's no way he could be in love with me, its just impossible".
I began grading paper, I check over them twice just in case I made a mistake. The whole Karma kissing really shook me. Why did he kiss me?
What reason did he have for kissing me?
"Karma why"?
I heard a knock at thr door it was Karma. He was looking at me.
"Nagisa, I'm in love with you that's why I kissed you".
I felt my face warm up completely.

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