Chapter three:

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Nagisa's POV:
"Nagisa, I'm in love with you, that's why I kissed you".
My eyes widened.
"Karma-kun, why do you love someone like me"?
"Because, you're cute, strong, kind and fun to tease. That's why I love you. I've been in love with you ever since we first met. You were the reason why I came back to school. You're the reason why I'm able to tell you this now".
I felt tears roll down my cheeks.
"What did I do to make you cry"?
He started to wipe my tears.
"Because, I didn't know you could be so kind and caring, Karma-kun".
He hugged me.
"So what's your answer"?
"I don't know".
"I don't know, becausd I really haven't been in a relationship before".
"Then, I'll start slow okay, Nagisa"?
He kissed me once more and then went to go leave. But I grabbed his arm. As soon as I did, rain started pooring from the sky.
"Eh it's raining", I said.
"It is, looks like I'll stay here until it stops".
He looked at where my hand was.
"Did you want me to stay anyway"?
"Y-yeah, because Karma-kun, you said you're im love with me".
"You're too cute, Nagisa".
My face became warmer as Karma walked into my house. I shut the door and he kicked off his shoes.
"Sorry for the intrusion", he said as he continued walking.
Karma-kun loves me, so then I can remain hopeful afterall, Karma-kun was strong and dependable it seems whenever I got into trouble, he would help me out of it. Karma-kun was one of my heroes.Without him I don't think I would have made it though my first two years of middle school.
"Karma, you were so devious back then, but you've seem to calm down from those pranks".
"That was because I was a kid who didn't know anything".
"What do you mean"?
"It means that it's useless to prank someone expecting it so I have to get someone who isn't".
"So what you mean to say your pranks were too frequent and everyone expected that you would do something"?
"Yeah, correct answer Nagisa-chan".
"Well, that's something you should have learned a while ago".
"You already know how sadistic my personality was in middle school. It was really cute when you got scared".
"Yeah, you probably thinking about what I would do next"
"Yeah, since your pranks were unpredictable, but remember when you first came to the E-class, you were just so ready to kill Koro-sensei, I think Koro-sensei was the only one able to make you blush out of embarrassment".
"I wouldn't say that because you also did that".

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