Chapter Two

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 About fifteen minutes later, Rosie came over from next door. All of the girls I hung out with lived in our neighbohood. Rosie lived next door, Air down the street, with Savannah next to her, and Exin lived on block over. Exin and Airalynne had lived here since birth, and Savvy and Rosie moved here during elementary school. I had moved here in sixth grade, long after they had become friends, but they had welcomed me into their crazy group with open arms.

 "Hey, Hal, what's up?" she cried, dropping her backpack by the door and throwing her arms around me. I grinned widely, hugging her back. 

 Rosie had long reddish-brown hair, with big brown eyes and freckles covering her pale cheeks. She wore a floaty pastel pink tank top with a Peter Pan collar, and a pair of ripped white shorts. She kicked off a pair of turquoise converse low-tops, kept completely clean, by the front door. I could see that she had just recently done her nails, a pastel purple and yellow.

 Rosie grabbed her bag, flouncing up to my bedroom. I followed her, watching as she dropped the bag on the floor. It had a big Disney logo, with her name above it, and a picture of Ariel the mermaid below. Please note that she bought this bag about two months ago, and we're eighteen. She's a little obsessed with Disney.

 She plopped down on my bed, looking over at the big poster of One Direction hanging in my closet. Rosie rolled her eyes. "I still don't know why you have that thing," she said, "You don't like them that much." I shrugged, sitting on the bed, before the doorbell rang again. I went to stand, but heard the door opening.

 "Just me!" I heard Exin yell. She clomped upstairs in her black combat boots. I practically flew across my room, slamming the closet door before she could come in. Exin didn't like One Direction and was convinced I only claimed I did for more subscribers.

 Exin dropped her things into the corner. I glared at her, as she stuck her tongue out.

 Exin was our resident goth girl. (Though only in looks.) Her short black hair tickled her ears, and green eyes squinted at me. She wore a black Panic! At the Disco t-shirt, shredded to her liking, and grey cut off shorts. Fingers with chipped black nail polish fished out her iPhone, which she immediately set to Eminem Radio on Pandora. Exin threw herself onto my bed, after grabbing a bag of skittles from her My Little Pony (yeah, none of us is very mature) sleepover bag. She tossed about three of them at me, and I - surprisingly - caught them all.

 Savannah didn't even bother to knock before she barged in. Nicknamed Savvy, the girl was loud and semi crazy. She was also surprisingly popular at our school. Savvy gave Rosie and I huge hugs, and flopped down on top of Exin. She kicked off a pair of beaded sandals, and rolled to lay on her stomach on Exin's back. She readjusted her high waisted shorts, and stuck a carefully manicured hand into Exin's bag of skittles. She shoved a handful into her mouth, sitting up, and brushing off her striped crop top. She flipped layered dirty blonde hair over her shoulder, flicking her bangs out of the way, and readjusted her purple glasses on her tanned face.

 "So, ya gonna actually say hi, or are we just gonna wait for Air to do that?" she asked, chomping on her stolen skittles. I heard my door slam once again, this time a few seconds pause before the sound of someone walking up the stairs.

 "I locked the door for ya," Air said, plopping down in my bean bag chair. "So, what's first?"

 I looked around at everyone and shrugged. "So I was thinking that for my next video we could do shipping?" I said, as they nodded. Rosie was the first one to raise a hand. I nodded towards her, feeling awkward.

 "Me and Savvy can post this on our channels, right? And how are we gonna do this exactly?" she said. Savvy looked up, interested, when she heard her channel mentioned.

 Rosie and Savvy both have YouTube channels as well. Savvy's was 'MissyChisetheChiz," and Rosie's was 'RosiePosieHasThorns,' both of which were very popular. We often did collabs - obviously - or just randomly popped up in each other's videos. It was kind if amusing to see newer subscribers to my channel comment things like "OMG, U NO ROSIE POSIE?!?!?!!1" There were apparently a few ships with us too, which was kind of weird, but whatever.

 "Of course you can," I replied in a 'duh' tone, and looked at Exin and Airalynne as if daring them to disagree. They wisely didn't. "And I was thinking that we could take our favorite fandoms and, of course, YouTubers, and write down our OTPs in them, and then reveal them and have a kind of Ship War."

 The others looked at each other, as if gauging their responses, before grinning back at me. I rolled my eyes. Suddenly, my phone began to ring. 

 You can't go to bed, without a cup of tea.

And maybe that's the reason, you talk in your sleep.

Those whispered conversations are the secrets that-

 I hurriedly grabbed the phone, answering as fast as possible. My friends were all staring at me as I leapt up from where I was sitting. "Be right back, guys!" I said, just as the person on the other end of the phone said the same thing.

 I had just slipped out front, when the person spoke. "Hallie!" they cried, and I jumped as a Doncaster accent hit my ears. 

 "Louis?" I asked, barely daring to hope it was really my brother. I never talked to him, he was always so busy. In fact, I had met him a total of twice since our parents had divorced, me being three years younger and living in with my father in America, after all.

 "Yep," he cheered, "So, I have a very important question for you," Louis said. I sat on the grass, and nodded, even though he couldn't see me.

 "And that would be?"

 "So, management wants a YouTuber to interview us while we're in the area," he started, "and I was like, 'Hey, I know a couple of Youtubers there, I'll contact them.' Them being you. So I was wondering, would you: a, want to interview your big brother? And b, happen to know another Youtuber so we can spread across channels?"

 Please note that Louis said this all very quickly and in one breath. Yet I still somehow understood everything.

 "I would love to interview you guys, and I know two people who would be perfect, actually," I said, smiling a bit to myself. Rosie didn't hate One Direction like Exin did, in fact she thought they were pretty good. Savvy was a little less fond of them, but she loved interviewing people, regardless of how fond she was of them or the amount of fame they had.

 "Really?" he cried, "Awesome! I'll text you the details in the morning. I gotta go, we're gonna be on some radio show. Love ya!" With that, Louis hung up.

 I sighed, "Love you too, bro. So glad you can make time for me without working."

 As I went inside, I shook my head, in shock. Did that really just happen? More importantly: was I really going to meet One Direction?


So there's chapter 2! I hope you liked it! It was a little shorter, but that's okay, right? RIGHT? So, you see Hallie's relationship with her friends and her brother a little bit. She's gonna meet One Direction! Eep! Just so you know, the friend's are based off of my friends, with different names and slightly different personalities. There are no YouTube channels with the names I used. I checked. Just an FYI. And I do not have a YouTube Channel, either.

Pic of Air on the side! (I don't own it. FYI.)



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