Chapter Nine

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"So, where are we staying, exactly?" Exin asked me as we walked down the street. I grinned over my shoulder, the sneaky grin that has always made her wary.

"A place, with a friend," I assured her, pausing at the curb and looking around to cross the street. We walked a little farther, stopping at a small cafe. I shoved Exin inside, and went up to the front, ordering us lattes.

"I don't trust you," Exin informed me when I handed her drink over. I laughed, sitting at a small table close to the door.

"You shouldn't," I said. She giggled a little. We talked for only a couple of minutes longer. Soon, I glanced outside in time to see a black car with darkly tinted windows pulling up. I stood, grabbing Exin's arm and hauling her up with me.

"There's our ride," I said, which was confirmed by my phone chiming from my pocket. I heaved my backpack over my shoulder, and Exin dragged up the handle to her black and white suitcase. We walked out to the car, recieving a few odd looks from the rest of the store's patrons and a few people on the street. I pulled open the back door, slid in.

"Are you sure, Hal?" Exin asked slowly, glancing around. I looked at the girl still standing on the sidewalk.

"Have I ever steered you wrong, Ex?"

"YouTube - you ruined my life by getting me hooked on Youtube," she informed me. I chuckled and shrugged.

"C'mon," I said, patting the seat next to me. "I promise we won't get raped, murdered, or kidnapped." She sighed, and climbed up, wrestling with her suitcase for a moment before settling in next to me. As soon as the door closed, the driver took off. I peered to the front seat to see Harry hiding beneath dark sunglasses and a very large hat. He tilted the glasses down a bit and winked at me, and I giggled.

"What's so funny?" Exin asked, sounding all around confused.

"Just a random thought - have you met Dan and Phil yet?" I said, quickly changing the subject.

"No," she admitted, "I wish - I'm in London and everything, but I'm so unlucky and I'll never meet them."

"Sure," I laughed, already thinking about what my next phone call would be - possibly one to a certain Dan Howell about a certain Danosaur sitting to my right. "What about One Direction?" Glancing towards the front, I noticed Harry biting his lip in an attempt to keep from smiling.

"No, and I probably never will. Though I am starting to like their music," Exin admitted. I shot her a surprised look. "Too much time spent babysitting Venna. Plus, they're pretty cute."

I grinned. "All of them?" I asked. Exin nodded, rolling her eyes at my eager voice.

"Except Harry," she said, pausing. I spotted said boy pouting in the driver's seat, and struggled to keep my giggles under control. "Harry's hot," she continued, and Harry got a very self-satisfied smirk. I felt my stomach tighten with jealousy, oddly enough, but I smiled at Exin, and began to regale her with tales of working at Flashback, which had her doubled over and laughing. All too soon, the car was parked.

I opened my door, taking a deep breath before I climbed out. Exin followed me, looking wary. I led her into the building and up the stairs. Finally, I reached Louis and Harry's flat, knocking lightly on the door. "It's open, Hal!" I heard Louis call from inside. Exin looked at me, confusion obvious on her face. I laughed at her and pushed the door open.

I could hear Exin gasp behind me as she took in their impressive place. "Hallie? Where the Hell are we?" I shook my head at her, and motioned for her to wait by the door.

I left Exin staring in shock at the interior of the apartment, and searched for Louis. I found him eating pizza in the kitchen, seated on the counter. I sent him a scowl, grabbing a couple of slice of the pizza for both Exin and I, and shook my head at him.

"You're literally two feet from a table," I remarked, pointing at the kitchen table close by. He shrugged.

"Too lazy to move," he said with a cheeky grin. "So who is your friend?"

"Exin," I reply, placing her plate in the microwave and mine in the freezer. She likes her pizza extra hot, while I prefer mine to be nice and cold. "You watch my videos. You know her."

"That I do," he acknowledged with another smile. The timer beeped for Exin's pizza, so I retrieved the food and returned to the very confused, very starstruck girl.

"How the hell do you know the kind of person who lives in a place like this?" she asked, ignoring the pizza I held out towards her and running a hand gently along the bottom of the TV screen. I could tell she was remembering the shabby little flat that I could barely afford without the help of Calum.

"Here," I responded, shoving her plate into her hand. Before I could say anything more, Harry walked into the apartment and swept me into a hug that almost spilled my food onto the floor.

"Hallie!" He crowed, a big smile on his face. "Your brother said you were gonna stay with us but I didn't expect you to be here already!" There was a twinkle of amusement in his eye as he lied, but Exin didn't know him well enough to understand it. She was staring at the curly haired boy in shock.

"Hey Haz," I smiled back, kissing his cheek. "Surprise?"

"Speaking of Lou, where is he?" Harry asked.

"In the kitchen."

"Louis!" he called, and I winced at the closeness of his mouth and my ear. "Come say hello to your sister and and her friend! What kinda of a host are you?"

Louis entered the living room and Exin turned to me with crossed arms and raised eyebrows.

"Sister? Is there something you'd like to tell me, Hal?" she said, her tone icy. I shuddered, making eye contact with Harry.

"I thought you already told her," he whispered in response to my glare. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my livid friend.

"Well. It's kind of a funny story."


Who else spent all of the past two days crying BC Zayn? I love him and I will respect him and his decision but this hurts like a bitch. He saved me, and I'll never get the chance to meet him or see him in concert now. *sobs* I miss him already.

I hope you guys are doing okay. I'm here if you need me. ❤️

Hanna xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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