Chapter Eight

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Okay, this chapter may be a little depressing. Actually, a lot depressing. I know I haven't really gotten into Calum like, as a person, but in my head I have, and I love him, so this chapter is really sad for me... 3:

Warning: May be triggering. This chapter is really pretty much all sadness. It's also pretty long...


The Next Day, Hallie's Point of View

   After a very awkward explaining session, in which Niall and Harry freaked out that Louis hadn't told them that one of their favorite YouTubers was his little sister - I felt honored, by the way - I ended up sleeping over at Louis' flat. It was now around one in the afternoon, and I was just returning home. I unlocked the door, dropping my bag in the entrance hall, and holding out the takeout Chinese bag like it was a gift.

   "Hey Cal?" I called, kicking off my shoes, "I come bearing Wonton Chicken!" Calum trotted out of his room. (We had started sharing a flat right after he and Bobby broke up. He needed a place to stay, I needed someone to help pay rent. Win-win situation.) A frown was etched into his face, but it lit up when he saw the logo of his favorite Chinese restaurant. He ran over to me, scooping me into a massive hug that lifted me off the ground.

   "Thank you, Hallie Berry!" he cheered, taking the bag from my hands and carrying it off to the kitchen. "I will enjoy this." If you asked me, his cheerfulness sounded a little forced, but I didn't register that through the annoyance that he took my food.

   "Hey!" I called, following him. "I get at least part if that." Cal rolled his eyes, and opened up the containers, plopping down at the dining room table. I grabbed a pair of forks from the drawer and sat next to him, grabbing a crab rangoon and stuffing my face.

   "I'm done," he said after a couple of bites. I raised my eyebrows as he pushed the carton towards me, continuing to stuff my face with fried rice and chicken.

   "That's it?" I asked, "You never pass up Chinese food." Calum shrugged, a faint smile on his lips.

   "I guess I'm just not that hungry today," he said, standing up. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to use the bathroom." I nodded, and continued eating. After a few minutes, I realized he was still in the bathroom. As a person with the problems I have, that didn't strike me as a good sign. Furrowing my brow, I stood up, and half walked, half ran to the bathroom door.

   "Please let me be wrong, please, please, please, don't let Cal be hurting himself," I mumbled under my breath. Finally, I knocked gently on the door, praying he was just playing on his phone or something stupid like that. I didn't get an answer.

    In desperation, I knocked harder. When he still didn't respond, I tried turning the handle. It turned. With my eyes closed tightly, I pushed the door open, peeking just a bit. A tear slipped out of my eye when I saw Calum.

   He was sitting on the floor next to the toilet, which was filled with vomit. Tears were running freely down his cheeks. His toothbrush was held tightly in his fist. It took me about five seconds to put the pieces together. When I did, I sunk to my knees, pressing my palms into my eyes to keep myself from crying.

   "Oh god, Cal, why?" I whimpered. Calum looked at me with wide, tear-filled eyes.

   "I wasn't good enough," he whispered, "so Bobby found someone who was better. I'm too fat, Hal. Maybe...maybe if I just lose some weight, someone will love me." I shook my head, crawling towards him across the smooth tile floor. My nose was filled with the stench of vomit, so I leaned over, flushing and closing the toilet, before wrapping my arms around him tightly.

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