Chapter 3: The Capture

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"What's going on?!" Xavier exclaimed.

"Shush! It's impossible for us to kill you, but the others of our tribe won't hesitate!" Aurora hissed. She had calmed down some, but she was still on edge.

"There's more of you?!" Ash exclaimed.

"We'll explain everything later, but for know you need to be quiet." I said.

"Clover! Zara! Aurora! Where are you?!"

I froze. "Shit! What are we going to tell Jay?!"

"We can't tell him anything! We are already in enough trouble as it is!" Aurora whispered, "We have to go rogue. There is no way he would let humans into the tribe."

"Who said we are humans?" Xavier pointed out.

We turned to face the boys. They were smirking and had crossed their arms over their chests.

"You aren't?" Zara asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"No. We're not." Ash laughed.

"What are you?" Aurora asked crouching down with her knives.

"We are werewolves." Jett smirked. All of their eyes flashed gold and they growled.

I gasped. Werewolves used to be the Night Wings worst enemies. We had killed them off in World War I. All the wars of the world were pretty much caused by us. But we had killed all the werewolves. We were there ourselves.

"That only makes it official. We can't let Jay see them." Zara announced.

"You're our mates." Ash told us.

"Yeah. We kind of got that." Aurora snapped.

"Oh, sweetheart....that's no way to talk to the person you're stuck with for the rest of your lives." Jett murmured moving closer to her.

The blue streaks in her hair grew darker, her eyes flashed and her fangs and claws started to grow.

"Aurora!" Zara snapped loudly.

"Zara? Where are you?!" Jay yelled.

"Uh...give me a second! I gotta pee!" Zara yelled.

"Okay. Just hurry back to the camp soon!"

We heard him go away and we let out sighs of relief. I relaxed a little and Aurora lowered her knives a little. She was always armed.

Truthfully, she was the criminal out of the three of us. She's been to jail, she knows how to work the black market, how to hack, and pick locks.

Zara was the one to get all the info. Our scout, if you will. She has been able to seduce the president before!

I was pretty much the general. I was the one with all the strategies and plans. They always looked to me when they needed help.

"Okay, what are we going to do?" Zara asked. "Is going rogue our only option? Because I've found out that fire works great on hypnotizing people. I'm not exactly ready to give that up yet."

The boys gave her a weird look. Well, all except Ash. He was giving her the wow-she-must-be-a-sexy-magician-or-something-and-I-love-it-because-I'm-her-amazing-soul-mate face.

"Well, I know, but do we really have a choice? Jay's going to find out eventually anyway," Aurora pointed out. She had finally mostly calmed down, but she still had her knives ready.

"True," I agreed. "Okay, how about this: Aurora and Zara, you come with me back to camp to figure out what to do with this kind of problem. Wolf dudes, just go and do whatever wolf dudes do."

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