Chapter 8: Just a little "friendly" competition...

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It started out really easy with old battle techniques and stuff (like to describe the purpose of a phalanx), and eventually grew into harder stuff and riddles.

Ash was good. I had to give him that. But he had nothing on me.

No wonder the Night Wings won the war.

Then we finally got to the last question.

"If it's information you seek, come and see me. If it's pairs of letters you need, I have consecutively three. Who am I?"

I frowned and started thinking. Then I grinned, the answer coming to me. I buzzed the buzzer.


"A bookkeeper." I answered.

Dr. Valentina nodded and grinned.

"Okay, it looks like Clover wins this round! Now onto part two!" Dr. Valentina announced cheerfully.

Aurora groaned and Jett swooped her up in his arms, before slamming her against the wall and kissing her roughly.

Dr. Valentina stood in front of us, staring at Aurora and Jett in disgust. She muttered something about how hormones made everything useless.

"What's part two?" Ash asked.

Dr. Valentina smirked and instructed, "Follow me. You're going to take a test on how well you can get out of a bad situation."


"Both of you will be put in one giant maze. Each turn will take you to a new enemy that you will have to conquer. Most of these enemies will be holograms, but some will be real.

"If you defeat it, a new passage will open, and that is what will get you to the finish line quicker. If you don't defeat it, a door will open to a detour, where you will have to complete a grueling workout before you can move on. The first one to the finish line wins," Dr. Valentina explained.

I nodded and let a guard lead me to a black steel door. Ash was led to one just like it to the right of me. We exchanged a strong death glare before turning back to the door and prepping ourselves.

"Are both of you ready?" Dr. Valentina asked.

In response, Ash pumped his fists in the air, and the other werewolves started whooping and hollering.

Bitch, please, I thought to myself as I snapped my wings above my head and hissed at Ash, showing off my fangs. Aurora and Zara added in more cheering and screaming to it.

"Enough already! Just get to your spot!!" Dr. Valentina exclaimed before muttering something about hormonal freaks of nature.

I let my fangs and claws relax as my wings naturally folded into my back. I face the door, ready to burst in.

Then the buzzer went off, and the doors opened. I burst into the room, ready to fight the first enemy.

The door closed behind me, and I stood face to face with.....

A horse.

Just an average chestnut quarter horse.

It looked up at me with a bored expression, then buried his head back into his pile of hay.

Then I saw a sign to the right of me. On it read:

Task: Get on the horse without getting kicked and stay on for at least 16 seconds.

There was a stepladder, a helmet, a saddle and a bridle on the floor next to the sign.

I can handle this, I thought to myself. The only thing I grabbed was the bridle, then I headed to the horse.

He didn't really seem to care that I had a bridle with me until I tried to put it on him. I kinda set off a bucking bronco when I did...

Luckily, Night Wings aren't nicknamed "The Horse Whisperers" for nothing.

As the horse started bucking and galloping in a circle around me, I stood my ground and stared him in the eyes the whole time.

Eventually, he slowed down to a trot, but still wouldn't come near me. I finally just dropped the bridle and calmly walked to the horse's side. I flew up just enough to hover over his back and dropped down.

The horse freaked, and I only had a split second to grab his mane and latch on before he started bucking like a rodeo bull on crack.

But I knew what to do. Making a horse move in a circle uses energy, so I quickly snaked my hand up his neck and grabbed a fistful of mane before pulling it to the left. I kicked my leg to keep him moving that way. This made him circle to the left and stop bucking.

I kept him doing that until a bell finally rang, indicating that I had passed. I hopped off the horse, patted his neck, and walked away. A door opened up to another room, so I held my head up and walked out.

That type of thing continued for about five or six more rooms before I finally burst through the last door. Aurora and Jett broke away as Aurora started to cheer. Zara joined in while Jett and Xavier gave me death glares.

Ash suddenly burst through his door, whooping and hollering. Then he saw me and gave me a confused look.

What Dr. Valentina said next just made me dead wolf meat.

"It's obvious who the winner is. The Night Wings win!"


Sorry this sucks, but it's an update! And how can it get better than that?!

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