Chapter 4: The Escape-or Maybe Not

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**Aurora POV**

I woke up with a killer headache. I mean how can you have a headache this bad without being wasted the night before?!

I groaned and sat up only to hit my head on the top of the cage I had been shoved in. I winced and opened my eyes. My eyes seared in pain and I hissed. I squinted my eyes until they were adjusted and then I opened them all the way.

I was in a completely white room. I was in a cage next to a window. On either side of me was Clover and Zara. They were still knocked out.

My hands were handcuffed behind me and I could feel bruises as they started to form. I couldn't find anything to pick the lock with though.


I jumped up at Jett's voice and winced when I hit the top of the cage again. I rubbed my head and turned to glare at him as he entered the room through a metal door.

"My name's not sweetheart!" I growled.

He rolled his eyes and started walking towards us with a tray of food in his arms.

"Don't bring me food! Get me out!" I exclaimed. I stared at him with wide eyes. I was hoping to seduce him, but that was Zara's expertise.

His face softened and he crouched down to look me in the eye. He opened the cage just enough to slide the tray of food in. He leaned close to me and I instinctively did the same.

"I hope you know how to pick locks." He whispered. He kissed my cheek before turning around and leaving the room. I sat there dazed for a few minutes before looking down at the tray.

Food was the first thing I saw, but if I looked close enough I could pick out my tools and one of my knives.

This is where I come in.

I pulled my knife out and smiled. Jett had disguised it to look like a chicken leg. I looked around and saw a camera in the corner. I needed to take that out before I do anything.

"Aurora? Why do you have that scary I'm-on-a-mission-disturb-me-and-you-die face?"

I looked over to see Clover watching me nervously. I gave her an evil grin and she rolled her eyes. I snaked my hand out of the cage and aimed my chicken leg/knife at the camera. I needed to hit it on the first try. Which was easy. I never miss, but I had my hands tied behind my back so it was going to be a bit harder.

I took a deep breath before launching the knife at the camera. It destroyed the lens and I jumped up to cheer, hitting my head on the top of the cage again. I cursed and started digging through the food for my tools.

I pulled out the one I needed and turned around to start picked the lock on my handcuffs. When I heard a click, I cheered, but I knew better than to jump up. I freed my hands and stretched out before working on the lock on the dog crate.

"You are freaking amazing, you know?" Clover laughed as the cage door swung open.

"I know." I smirked. I hurried over to her cage and quickly set her free. She grinned at me before turning to grab my knife as I set Zara free.

Once we were all out, Clover set our wings free and handed me my stuff.

"You're an original Houdini!" Zara laughed.

"Well, he did teach me all he knows!" I reminded her.

"It's hard to imagine we are so old." Zara said.

"We'll talk about our age later!" Clover snapped. "Right now, we need to get out alive."

Then we ran to the door, ready to escape. For the most part, my part was over. Zara and Clover need to take over now.

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