Chapter 9: From "Uncultured Swine" to the "Evolved Race"

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Aurora pov

"Suck dick!" I screamed, pumping my fists in the air as I ran to chest bump Clover. She laughed and we hugged each other happily.

"I demand a do-over!" Ash yelled, walking closer. We rolled our eyes in unison. It was actually kind if creepy, but we couldn't care less at the moment.

"In your dreams, sunshine." I laughed.

He snarled and that's when everything went to chaos. Ash attacked me, Jett attacked Ash, Zara attacked Jett, I attacked them all, Clover tried to split us all up, Dr. Valentina screamed for us to act like adults, and Xavier laughed his ass off. 

Hey, I never claimed we were mature. Things like this happened a lot with us. 

Clover finally managed to break up the fight by kicking us until we were limping away in different directions. By the time we were all calm, my shin was throbbing and I knew I would have a bruise there for awhile. It was something I was used to, though, so I got over it quckly.

"Idiots." Clover muttered under her breath, whacking Ash upside the head.

I giggled and rolled my eyes at the pouting werewolf. Well, we can't all be tough Night Wings. Jett limped over to me and kissed the top of my head, making Clover roll her eyes. I stuck my tongue out at her and she was about to retaliate when Dr. Valentina cleared her throat, capturing our attention.

"You lot are a bunch of immature creatures that weren't meant to exist!" She scolded us, "You are the evolved race! Act like it!"

The others immediately sobered up, but I rolled my eyes. Dr. Valentina instantly looked over at me and frowned, her whole face casting her shame.

"Do you have something to share with the rest of us, Aurora?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips and glaring at me.

I sighed and rolled my eyes again, but I didn't say anything. I'm not a good speaker, that's Clover's job. I'm pretty much the muscle. Dr. Valentina apparently didn't like this answer because she clapped her hands, causing hundreds of guys in lab coats to swarm the room with electric spears.

"You need to learn some respect." She announced viciously. "And I have just the thing to get it in your mind."

The others backed up, except for Jett who stayed by my side. I pushed him forward trying to urge him to follow the group, but he stayed firmly by my side. I rolled my eyes, but didn't push him away again. The labcoats surrounded us, waving their spears at my face. One of them would shock me every once in awhile, but I did my best to ignore them. 

That is until one of them poked me so hard, I passed out from the amount of electricity running through my body. The last thing I was aware of was Jett morphing and standing over me protectively.

Clover pov

I could barely see anything as the guys with the electric spears swarmed us, isolating Aurora and Jett from the rest of us. But I could tell when Aurora hit the ground and when Jett morphed to protect her.

I tensed up when, through the swarming bodies of scientists, I saw Aurora's head disappear as she passed out. Xavier pulled me in closer to him, letting out a protective growl. I leaned into him, but didn't turn my head away. I relaxed a little bit, however, when I saw Jett, in wolf form, attacking the scientists who came close to her.

For the first couple strikes he made, the labcoats were more shocked that he fought back, so they forgot to attack. Then they remembered what they were doing and went after him again. He seemed to be taking the electricity from the spears' pokes alright, but after a more forceful jab from one scientist, he went down as fast as Aurora did.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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