Chapter 6: Decisions, Decisions....

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After what seemed like hours, Dr. Valentina finally came back to get me.

"It's about time! My legs are starting to cramp." I muttered as she unlocked the dog crate I was in.

She rolled her eyes and I bit back a smirk as I climbed out of the cage. She gave me a minute to stretch out, before leading me out the door and into a massive conference room.

The room was mostly taken up by a giant table, but there also was a computer screen that took up a whole wall. Every seat at the table was taken up by a different person in a suit. There were even government officials and the president.

"Oh crap. The Feds." I whispered, looking nervously at a group of guys who were glaring at me. One of them had his butt handed to him by Aurora. Another had been seduced by Zara for information, and another I had beat in a battle of the wits, ending up with him being poisoned.

I started getting nervous and angry as I looked at everyone around the table. In some way or another, they had crossed me, Zara and Aurora, and the outcome hadn't been pretty. For them, at least.

"Please sit." Dr. Valentina said, motioning towards an empty chair.

"Sit down?" I hissed, "I get to sit down after being shoved in a dog crate? I get to sit down after being put in a room that seems filled with everyone we've ever pissed off in our lives?"

She opened her mouth to speak, but it was too late. My fangs and claws were out. Literally. I snarled at everyone and crouched down, slashing at anyone who came near.

"Calm her down!"

That's when I was tackled to the ground from behind by at least three scientists. I growled and tried to reach them, but they were in just the right position not to be hit.

Eventually, I calmed down and they got off me. I got to my feet, calmer, but ready to snap at any moment.

"Please sit down." Dr. Valentina said through clenched teeth. This time, I decided not to argue as I plopped down in the empty chair, placing my feet on the table.

"Why am I here?" I asked, tensed and ready to get away at a moments notice.

"We want to draft you for the army." An official announced.

I raised and eyebrow and glanced around in surprise. "Say what?"

"The Night Wings and the werewolves are very strong and would make wonderful allies in the war. By what we have seen you guys do, we could put you against an army and you would either win, or come close."

The wall-screen lit up and I looked up to see Jett, Ash and Xavier fighting in human and wolf form. Alongside other werewolves, they quickly destroyed ranks and ranks of Night Wings in the World War.

Then the screen flashed to an image of Zara. She was pressing herself up to a man and pulling keys out of his back pocket without him noticing. Then she pulled away, sent him a flirty grin and flounced off the screen. A few more pictures flitted by of her doing her job.

The next set of images were of Aurora. Picking a lock, taking on a squad of fighters, talking with some of her connections in the dark, and other feats.

The last thing they showed me was of my successes. Ordering the others to do a successful plan, figuring out the password to the government's mainframe computer just by process of elimination, and talking with one of the world's leading scientists about a bomb that couldn't be released to the public.

Then the screen went blank again and I focused my attention back on the people around the table.

"We've seen what you guys can do and we want you to help us win this war." Dr. Valentina said softly. "The other side would never see it coming."

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