Chapter 8~ Falling Idiot

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Vii's P.O.V

" Vii is the best," I said to the stranger.

" Vii is the best," He repeated.

" Vii is beautiful," I said.

" Vii is beautiful," He repeated again.

" And Vii is the very best," I stated.

" And Vii is the very best," He repeated.

" This is the best conversation I've ever had," I mummbed to my self," He always repeat without fail."

I look him over to see if there is any sign of a name; from head to toe there was no sign of a name.

" Huh that's weird?" I curiously said, his clothing was spotless and clean," Not even a speck of dirt."

" Yea I know, its perfect." The stranger said.

" Yea it i-.... Wait a moment you didn't copy me." I said.

" No dip sherlock," He sarcastically said.

" Well screw you Watson." I replied angrily and turned my back to him.

" Well screw you Watson," He repeated.

I turn back around to him,"So, we're back to this now."

" So, we're back to this now."

I flailed my arms arounds the air," Would you stop!"

" Would you stop," He mumbled.

" Urgggg!" I yelled out angrily.

" Urggg.." He said quietly.

" This is getting us no where," I mummbled to myself.

" This is getting us no where."

Ember's P.O.V

" Back up Sage!" I yelled at her from on top of the bed.

" Never!" She yelled with a crazed look and launched herself at me.

" WOULD YOU STOP!" I yelled at her, I dodged her by jumping back off the bed.


Sage, still on top of the bed, crouched down like a dog and snarled at me.

" What?" I asked confused," That has nothing with whats going on."

She nodded her head to the side in confusion.

" What do you mean? That's all I want in life." Sage said.

" But.. What...?" I stated in confusion," We were arguing about you shoving me out a window."

Sage dropped her dog position and rolled onto her back,"But that's sooooo much work!"

" Sometimes I swear you are a scatter brain," I sighed," Come on lets go to Vii."

I walked out of the room with Sage following me like a dog. Quite literally, she was on all fours following me out the door.

We turned down the hall to the left and found a flight of stairs. I walk down the stairs with Sage still on all fours.

I reach the bottom and looked up the stairs," How are you getting down genius?"

" Grrrrr," Sage growled out.

Sage peered down the stairs and put on a brave face. She, still on all fours, put her arm down on the top stair only to retract it seconds later.

I looked up concerned," What's the matter?"

Sage looks me dead in the eyes and jumped down the stairs. She flies pass most the stairs but she was getting closer to the stairs the further she went. Just as she was about to clear pass the last bunch of stairs, gravity took effect causing her to hit the closest stair and then she skidded down the rest of the stairs.She raised herself up a little and moved herself down the final stair, where she collapsed head first out of exhaustion and pain.

" I don't even want to know what possessed you to think that was a good idea," I stated.

" Well I tho-"

" That's where you went wrong," I added.

" How snarky.." She muttered.

" Heard you," I told her.

I looked up from her and looked at my options. There is a hallway on the left and right, but a large corridor down the front.

" Decisions, decisions, decisions," I muttered to myself," One of these have to lead to Vii."

Shifting slightly to observe a little more and uttered," We are utterly screw."

" DARN RIGHT WE ARE!" Sage yelled out from the floor.

" But ho- nevermind."

Vii's P.O.V

" Penut equals vibrations," I said from on top of the counter.

" Penut equal vibrations," He repeated.

" Urrggggg!" I yelled out.

I layed down on my back and lay full length. I rolled my head to the side and look at him.

The stranger was pacings side to side of the kitchen, back and forth over and over again.

" Where are those nerds?" I wonder aloud.

" Where are those nerds?" He repeated.

I groaned out," Will you just stop."

" Will you just stop."

" SAGE IS PRESENT PEASANTS!" Sage burst through the door.

" Oh why, this is torture," I mumbled," I regret even wondering where you were."

" THE AMAZING SAGE DEMANDS THAT YOU SPEAK UP!" She jumped on to the table to stare down at me.

" Do you ever act normal?" I bluntly said.






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